Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from June 2018

July 2nd, 2018

From a questioner: “Thank you also for allowing questions to be asked here. I’ve asked so many questions over the years and have received so many wonderful, compassionate, well-thought out responses for which I’m very grateful. God bless you!”

From a questioner: “By the way, ‘’ is one of my favorite go-to sites when I research the articles that I submit to our local newspaper. Kudos to all of your staff for all that you do for us and may our Lord truly bless you and your families!”

From a questioner: “Thank you for taking notice of my request. I pray that God will keep on blessing your ministry and use you powerfully and effectively.”

From a questioner: “Hello again, out of all the answers I’ve received from various places, that is the best and the most helpful answer I’ve received. Thank you very much for it. It explains almost every question I had thoroughly. If it would help to describe my situation, then I’ll gladly do that …”

From a questioner: “[Question] I would like to thank you in advance. The GotQuestions ministry has truly been a blessing in my life. Look forward to hearing your response! Thank you and God bless!”

From a donor: “In these days of false teachers, true Biblical answers are increasingly like an oasis in the desert. I really hope that GotQuestions will remain diligent and in all humility before God resist the strong temptations that I have witnessed Christian organisations succumb to – and remain solely faithful to His Word and trust in God alone – He will see to the rest. God bless the ministry and faithful servants within it.”

The glory belongs to God! We count it a privilege to join in His work. Thank you for sharing in it with us!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement