Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Prayer Requests for July 2018

July 2nd, 2018

Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month:

1. Praise God for so many faithful men and women who contribute to the work of Got Questions Ministries. Please pray for God’s presence to be evident in their lives. Pray for God’s encouragement, provision, protection, peace, guidance, and joy in their lives. Pray also that all of us would persevere in what God has put before us, submitting to His plans in faithful and expectant obedience.

2. Please pray for the families, friends, churches, and communities of those who serve with and donate to Got Questions. Pray also for the communities surrounding questioners and site users. Pray for godly relationships in which truth is spoken and His love overflows. Pray also for God’s provision and protection.

3. Please pray for site users and questioners to hear God’s truth and respond to it.

4. Praise God for His continued provision for and protection of Got Questions. Please pray that He will continue to provide and that He will give us wisdom in best stewarding all that He gives us, including our time.

5. Praise God for continued favor in search engine results and with technology that works. Please pray that He will continue to uphold the infrastructure that helps make Got Questions possible.

If we can be praying for you in a specific way, please let us know.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement