Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Info on the “breaker anointing”

March 17th, 2015
Robbie Holmes March 13 at 4:58am Hi everyone, has anyone got a got resource or historical info on "the breaker anointing" please. Like · Seen by 48 Patrick Thompson Aloha Robbie, I must admit that I have not heard anything about this movement. However, I did find some on the Apolgetics Resource Center under Dominion Theory. There may be some other links on this site. From what I can see, it is another heresy from some of the so-called ICP with Mike Bickle and other heretics. True . . .

Question on Bribes and Business

March 10th, 2015
Clive Roberts March 9, 2015 Hi guys, please help me out here. What does the bible says about conducting business ethically? Some Christians I know do a lot of business with our country's government. The perception is that most public servants ask for "golden hand shakes" in order for ones tender application to pass. This can be in the form of hard cash in a black bag or favors which requires money. These Christians I'm referring to, blanket this act as being be business savvy. What are your thoughts? Like · . . .

Question on God’s Relationship to Time – Is He in the Continual Present?

March 9th, 2015
Kris Cadogan March 7 at 7:35pm Question about God and his relationship to time. Can it be said that God can neither “remembers” or “think" due to his relationship with time. I believe that these occurrences in the bible may be anthropomorphic. My reasoning is that only a being who exist in our concept of linear time is capable of remembering and thinking. The best way to describe this is to use yourself as an example. Right now in this moment your full attention is on these words as such you do not need to . . .

Question on Paul’s Shipwreck

March 8th, 2015
Allen Skipper March 7, 2015 I had to pass on my question about Paul's shipwreck. I researched it for many hours but got frustrated because I couldn't find much reliable evidence, and I couldn't find anything about it on gotquestions. Now, I'm curious about it. Like · Seen by 17 Ed Chait likes this. Ed Chait What was the question Allen? 7 hrs · Like Allen Skipper Ed, it was the general debate about where did the shipwreck occur. I wanted . . .

Question on Hebrew and Gender of Angels

March 7th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 5 at 3:06pm We could use some help from our Hebrew scholars. I am having difficulty determining whether or not the word/words for Angel in Hebrew are masculine or neuter, and whether that actually indicates gender. Also, whether the pronouns used of angels (when they are not being visibly observed as "men," but just as angels) are masculine or neuter. Or, does Hebrew, like Greek and English, use the masculine pronoun as also the neuter pronoun? Our office is Greek-heavy and rather Hebrew-poor, . . .

Thoughts on a Question about Getting Married without a Marriage License

March 4th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie March 3 at 4:33pm Okay folks, help me out on this one: "Whenever I get married would it be wrong just to have a wedding ceremony without a marriage license so I can keep my disability benefits because that is my only income?" Can or would a pastor marry a couple without a marriage license? I also recognize that the intent of this couple is to circumvent the law by not having a civil ceremony in order to retain governmental benefits. That in itself presents a problem as well. Thanks for your input. Like . . .

Attribute of God – Omnificence

March 4th, 2015
Ed Chait March 3, 2015 I learned a new word and attribute for God that a questioner asked about in a question. It's "omnificence", which means having unlimited powers of creation. Our God is an awesome God! Unlike · Seen by 25 You, Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil and 3 others like this. Joe Maxey omnipotence... 15 hrs · Like Ed Chait My understanding is that omnipotence is an "umbrella" that covers more than one specific power, but . . .

Help on Question about Gay Rights

March 3rd, 2015
Lisa McIntosh March 1 at 10:01pm Hello all! I thought I remembered some posts from some of you or some links regarding the question I just received. If anyone would be willing to send them or your comments my way to aid me in answering this question, it would be greatly appreciated! Question 384951: Is there a contradiction between supporting Gay Rights and Gay Equality whilst still condemning homosexual acts? Like · Seen by 28 Emmanuel FixingComputers Noisette I'm curious about . . .

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