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Info on the “breaker anointing”

March 17th, 2015

Hi everyone, has anyone got a got resource or historical info on “the breaker anointing” please.

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  • Patrick Thompson Aloha Robbie, I must admit that I have not heard anything about this movement. However, I did find some on the Apolgetics Resource Center under Dominion Theory. There may be some other links on this site. From what I can see, it is another heresy from some of the so-called ICP with Mike Bickle and other heretics. True Apologists certianly have their hands full today not only with existing cults and heresies, but plenty of new ones.
  • Robbie Holmes Hey Patrick, thanks for that and do send any other info you may find. I have dealt with WoF here before and this is a “new” arrival here so i would like to be able to respond fully to it. It seems it marks the beginning of a new church here and the speaker works in the breaker anointing. At very least it seems to attack God’s sovereignty with the need of a “gifted” individual to come and impart or evoke the spirit to break through into the worldly realms. Anyhoo., would like more info to speak about it properly, thanks again

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