Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Help with a Question giving counsel to an unmarried couple with a child in which the man now seems to be a believer

June 1st, 2015
Ed Chait May 29 at 10:37pm · Edited I would appreciate some help with this follow-up question. He and his partner are not married but have been together for 7 years and have a child. I don't know if he is thinking about 2CO 6:14, but that's what comes to my mind as his reason for not marrying his girlfriend. His initial question was about how to balance daily work and Christian ministry, so he seems to have the desire to live the Christian life. I did impress upon him the importance of honoring God and His ...Word by . . .

Question on Elijah, Enoch, and glorified bodies

June 1st, 2015
In Matthew 27:53 it says some saints were raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection. Did these saints receive glorified bodies and ascend to heaven or did they just die again like Lazarus? Also did Enoch and Elijah receive glorified bodies? They were taken to heaven without dying (Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11) but I imagine that if they remained in their sinful bodies that their sin nature would still wage war against the Spirit while in heaven.... So did God either 1.) Remove them from their sinful bodies and make them go around as ‘souls’ . . .

Help with a Question on carnal dreams about ones spouse

May 30th, 2015
Tim White May 29 at 8:08pm OK, stumped. Any ideas? "Is it sinful to have carnal thoughts and dreams of your wife? If others were involved I think that is adultery, but only my wife are in them. We have been married almost 39 years and she is slowing down, me not so much." Like · Comment Seen by 47 Ed Chait likes this. Remove Lea Ann Davis McCombs Why would this be wrong? May 29 at 8:14pm · Like Remove Tim White Dreaming? out of his . . .

Help on a Question about Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jesus being the firstborn

May 29th, 2015
James Toland May 28 at 11:19am Fellow writers I need some of your wisdom in answering a question. I would rather not have it reassigned but I am not sure where to begin on the answer. Question is: "I believe Jesus is preeminent over creation but I am dealing with a Jehovah witness via e-mail and he of course thinks Jesus is created. When I explained to him Jesus is firstborn, meaning a title of sovereignty, or being pre-eminent over creation, he responded by asking why isn't the Father or the Holy Spirit said to be firstborn . . .

Question on Doubt / Not Feeling God

May 23rd, 2015
Ed Romero‎Got Questions Writers May 22, 2015 How do you counsel someone who prays and reads the Bible but doubts because she doesn't feel Him? Like · Comment Craig Simons I had doubts for quite a long time but I grabbed hold of God by faith/fact. I rested on the facts, not how I felt. Feelings vary and not only that can be deceiving. The facts are what they are. As the Scripture declares, "the heart is deceitful above all things" and "without faith, it's impossible to . . .

Question on modesty and hair style

May 19th, 2015
Laurel J. Davis May 18, 2015 Thoughts? I answered a question earlier today about what the Bible says about modesty in hairstyling. I mentioned how I know a Christian woman who chose to basically go bald (mostly bald, not shiny bald), not due to chemo or illness, and not due to wanting undue attention. She said she just simply got tired of all the time and money she had to spend on hair care. Since I submitted my answer, I happened upon 1 Corinthians 11:6 which says it's shameful for a woman to shave her head. The context . . .

Question on what are the most important things God has given us

May 19th, 2015
Byron Earnheart May 18 at 11:31pm · Tunica, MS Got an interesting one today. I haven't responded yet but i have an answer brewing in my head. But it's an interesting question and would love to hear y'all's thoughts... Question 400073: What are the most important things God has given us? In what order? E.g. life, free will, salvation, love..... Like · Comment Seen by 46 Ed Chait and Fred Apelquist like this. Ed Chait I think being created . . .

Encouragement from a Questioner

May 17th, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann May 26, 2015 This came in for all of you today... be encouraged! "I don't have a question to ask, but I did want to give my thanks. Whoever is reading this may discard it because it isn't a question but I would like to offer a tad bit of encouragement if I may. I appreciate the time that the team at gotquestions offers to the world. It may not seem like what you're doing is necessarily important at times, but I would like to express how much it is. From the team, I have been able to learn so much . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement