Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Q&A – On hand gestures being satanic

March 27th, 2015
Joe Maxey March 23 at 8:23pm Here's my new question- any ideas how to tackle this one? ARE HAND GESTURES LIKE DEVIL HORNS SATANIC LIKE WHAT PEOPLE IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY DO SUCH AS ROCK SINGERS AT ROCK CONCERTS? Like · Comment Seen by 51 Ed Chait likes this. Stuart Mattfield The short answer is yes, but there are other meanings...I do believe they're similar to the hook 'em horns. But yes, that's what you see at concerts. March 23 at 8:31pm . . .

On Doctrinal Disagreements in Church

March 18th, 2015
Ed Chait March 17 at 10:05pm I need to share this and ask for your prayers. A few weeks ago, I made a a comment in thread here how I was more excited than ever about going to church to worship and listen. The church had started a new series of Sunday School classes and I signed up for "Old Testament Survey". The teacher passed out a handout and began teaching about God making His first covenant. A "works covenant" with Adam which could be understood to be like a Suzerain Treaty between nations. I had never heard . . .

Q&A – When did Jesus actually bear our sin on the cross?

March 17th, 2015
Courtney Kincel Silberman March 17 at 11:04am · Glen Allen, VA Could someone weigh in on this question with me? Do we have enough biblical information to give an answer one way or another? I feel like her guess is a good one. Thanks in advance! (see Matthew 27:45-50 to begin) "During the crucifixion, at what time did Jesus bear and pay for our sins? Was is between when He said "Father, why have you forsaken me?" and "It is finished"? Was it during the 3 hours of darkness?" Like · Seen . . .

Praise from a Tagalog article

March 17th, 2015
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil March 16, 2015 Testimony: Our article in Tagalog about suicide shared on Facebook has been used by the Lord to change the mind of a reader who's contemplating to commit suicide. She personally told me that it was after reading the article that she realized that her life is precious and she must continue to live for his children and for the Lord. She is regularly communicating with me on FB and always shares our articles with others. She has heard the Gospel before but she didn't understand . . .

Question on Accountability for Sin in Dreams

March 17th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie March 16 at 5:42pm · Edited I've just been assigned this question: "Are we held responsible for sins committed within a dream?" I'm saying "No", unless any of you have any thoughts otherwise. If so, I'd love to hear them. Thanks! Like · Seen by 47 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. Jeff Laird You know this is a husband, asking so he can tell his wife to stop being mad about what he did in her dreams. Seriously, though, great question... March . . .

Question about Abraham and Lot

March 17th, 2015
Ed Chait March 15 at 1:52pm A question from a brother in Christ that I also found interesting. When God called Abraham, why did Abraham take Lot with him after God had specifically told him to separate from his family? Like · Seen by 40 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. Tim White The commentaries through the years are full of ideas and suggestions, but we don't know. We are not told. March 15 at 1:55pm · Like · 1 Dale . . .

Info on the “breaker anointing”

March 17th, 2015
Robbie Holmes March 13 at 4:58am Hi everyone, has anyone got a got resource or historical info on "the breaker anointing" please. Like · Seen by 48 Patrick Thompson Aloha Robbie, I must admit that I have not heard anything about this movement. However, I did find some on the Apolgetics Resource Center under Dominion Theory. There may be some other links on this site. From what I can see, it is another heresy from some of the so-called ICP with Mike Bickle and other heretics. True . . .

Another Recommendation for GQ

March 11th, 2015
Nace Howell 2 hrs We got another mention.   Case Making Apps Every Christian Should Have on Their Phone or Tablet Print PDF If you’ve got a young person in your life (either a child, grandchild, niece or nephew), you’ve probably already discovered the vast majority of his or her internet consumption involves a handheld device (a smart phone or tablet). If you’re a web designer you already . . .

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a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement