Q&A – On hand gestures being satanic March 27th, 2015 Joe Maxey March 23 at 8:23pm Here’s my new question- any ideas how to tackle this one? ARE HAND GESTURES LIKE DEVIL HORNS SATANIC LIKE WHAT PEOPLE IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY DO SUCH AS ROCK SINGERS AT ROCK CONCERTS? Like · Comment Seen by 51 Ed Chait likes this. Stuart Mattfield The short answer is yes, but there are other meanings…I do believe they’re similar to the hook ’em horns. But yes, that’s what you see at concerts. March 23 at 8:31pm · Like Joe Maxey Thanks Stuart, I agree! March 23 at 8:40pm · Like Sarah Van Baale Hmmm…well, when the boys mess around, my husband likes to make the hand gesture and remind them, “If you play with the bull, you get the horns.” I’m pretty confident that the hand gesture itself is not satanic. Similarly, we had to teach our daughter when she was 5, not to point with her middle finger. It is never right to affiliate with what is wrong, but gestures in and of themselves are not good or evil – it is the intent behind the gesture. 1 Sam 16:7 – It is the whole outward appearance vs. heart matter. March 23 at 8:42pm · Like · 2 Steve Ray Webb When the horns represent the Univ. of Texas, yes I view them as Satanic (I went to school at rival Texas Tech). March 23 at 8:46pm · Like · 1 William Brenner I will avoid all of that to be sure no one takes it the wrong way. No need to do what the culture does. March 23 at 9:03pm · Like · 1 Joe Maxey Thank you all for your comments! March 24 at 4:53am · Like Robbie Holmes I’ve had to check this out before Joe, it means different things to different people so William is quite correct, as Paul tells us lets not do something that may cause others to stumble or fall. Here is a good link for more info http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8687002.stm BBC News – Dio’s two-finger gesture – what does it mean? American rock singer Ronnie James Dio, who died on… NEWS.BBC.CO.UK March 24 at 5:06am · Like · Remove Preview Carol Coleman In your answer, you could also mention the positve. God created our hands to praise and worship Him.