Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on Cessationism

April 24th, 2016
Tim White April 19 at 10:41am My cessation views, and other people's, I think. My goal here in addressing my cessationist views, and those of my closest associates through the years, it to be honest about what I believe and debunk some misconceptions others may have when they hear or read us say that signs and wonders have ceased. I will attempt to insert some tension-reducing humor and enough self-deprivation to mask my arrogance in this topic. (I warned you). I believe in miracles. I believe in healings. . . .

Discussion on Cessationism Part 1

April 24th, 2016
Shea Houdmann April 17 at 2:48pm Do any of you consider yourselves to be strong cessationists? Someone is requesting that we respond to the five points raised at the bottom our continuationism article: - Any takers? smile emoticon Like   Like   Love   Haha   Wow   Sad   Angry Comment Seen . . .

Discussion on Church Discipline

April 14th, 2016
Jonathan Morales April 12 at 4:34pm Greetings my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others. (1 Timothy 5:20) Paul is talking specifically about the elders in the church who persist in sin. How exactly should this correction be done? Does the pastor have to spontaneously rebuke the sinning elder in front of the whole congregation? wouldn't this cause an extreme shock to the congregation and even . . .

Discussion on “messy church”

April 13th, 2016
Dean Revell April 7 at 12:53pm I had a question today from somebody asking about 'Messy church' and whether it was biblical ? I have never heard of it before but looking at one of the web sites it seems to be a means of getting people to get involved in a church setting without actually being in church, so to speak - a springboard for encouraging people who wouldnt normally want to go to church to become exposed to the Truth through personal witness, guest speakers or even being invited to the services ? . . .

Sample Q&As from March 2016

April 1st, 2016
Question: What does the last sentence mean in this passage? –"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."" ??Matthew? ?11:19? ?NIV?? but wisdom is proved right by her deeds?? Answered by: Adam Davis, who has been a volunteer with us since February, 2015. Answer: Hi and thank you for your question. First, it's important to know that Jesus Christ was truly man (and yet also truly God). He lived in a common manner for . . .

Resources and Tips – April 2016

April 1st, 2016
- As a reminder, please assume that questioners are asking genuine questions and respond with grace. We do occasionally have hostile questioners, but generally speaking it is best to avoid responding with harsh language. So please give people the benefit of the doubt until they have proven themselves to be hostile. - An article on persuasion recommended by Beth DeVore: - An article . . .

Testimonials from March 2016

April 1st, 2016
From a donor: "Thank you for all you are doing to contribute to His Kingdom's work. You bless and educate many believers, and provide biblical answers to questions of "not-yet" believers. May God continue to bless your ministry." From a donor in Lesotho: "Thank you for your service to our Lord and teaching me over the past 4+ years." From a donor: "I am so grateful to you, I think you are worth so much more, I gave what I can now! You have been such a help to me like a 4 year University." From a Compelling Truth eNewsletter subscriber: "Thank . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement