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Discussion on Church Discipline

April 14th, 2016

Greetings my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others. (1 Timothy 5:20)
Paul is talking specifically about the elders in the church who persist in sin. How exactly should this correction be done? Does the pastor have to spontaneously rebuke the sinning elder in front of the whole congregation? wouldn’t this cause an extreme shock to the congregation and even bring about negative effects such as people being afraid of going to church anymore? Or is it a more formal correction? Has any of the pastors here had to do this kind of thing in their church? Help appreciated thanks!









Christopher Dupre
Christopher Dupre Theres a progression right? Talk to him. Then bring one or two others. Then bring to congregation, if he still doesn’t repent.

Jonathan Morales
Jonathan Morales Yea that’s what Jesus said. But Paul writes in Timothy that if anyone accuses an Elder, he should bring 2 or 3 witnesses. If not then he should not listen to the accusation. ” Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is confirmed by two or three witnesses. 20 Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others.” (1 Timothy 5:19-20). So it seems that he kinda skips the whole talking to him part, and just goes to the public rebuking part.

Christopher Dupre
Christopher Dupre No ,he’s saying the same thing Jesus said. It’s not biblical to go right to the whole church. Don’t ax accept an accusation unless there are 2 or 3 witnessed. He’s taking to leadership instead of just another congregant,like Jesus seemed to have been doing.

Jonathan Morales
Jonathan Morales I know Paul’s is in line with Jesus’. But I just point out that between verses 19 and 20 of 1 Timothy 5, Paul doesn’t say anything about going to that sinning elder and talking to him in private. Could be that timothy already knew this though.

Tim White
Tim White It is an assumption that he is talking about elders. Chapter 5 is a shotgun wrap-up of administrative tasks, beginning with “do not reprimand and elder.” But he talks about those who will not work (not elders) and widows. His opening phrase, “As far as those who persist in sin (not clear in the Greek but understood)” could have been a transition to another subject.

Tim White
Tim White In answer to your question, if elders have been properly selected and trained, a private meeting first works best, as Jesus taught. If the elder’s sin is continuous and public, the rebuke will need to be public and jointly from the pastor and the other elders. But if the elder is carnal, untrained and unspiritual, expect a war.

Fred Becker
Fred Becker As far as people afraid of church. Read Acts about Ananias and Sapphira’s experience. Dead right there.

Gina Cook
Gina Cook Just thought I’d share that our Pastor had to do this – wasn’t pretty but it was done with love, patience, prayer and much council. An elder had an affair and wouldn’t repent of it, didn’t care and planned on divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress, which he did. This man was very prominent in the church-was very liked and held high. It was important for the Pastor, after months of meeting with this man in private and with other elders, to stand up in front of the church and let them know the issue, to pray for this man that he may be restored and brought back to the fold. The Pastor followed the Biblical example of Matthew 18. Many church members that were friends of this man left because they thought the Pastor should have kept his mouth shut. What a necessary cleansing process that it was for our church though.

Jonathan Morales
Jonathan Morales Was the man present when the pastor spoke to the church about him? That’s what kinda confuses me, cause my youth pastor had to do this once, but the sinning member was not there at the moment, he spoke to the congregation about the issue

Gina Cook
Gina Cook Jonathan Morales that’s a good question and no, he wasn’t present, but he was warned that if he didn’t repent and see what he did as wrong, he couldn’t attend church there anymore, let alone be an elder, and the church would have to be notified, for their and his own good. I forgot to mention that the man, about a year later, came back to the church asking for forgiveness and saying that he knew now what he did was very wrong and that what the Pastor did was right.

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Gwen Sellers

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Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil We are actually doing this in the church

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