Team GotQuestions Blog

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Discussion on “messy church”

April 13th, 2016

I had a question today from somebody asking about ‘Messy church’ and whether it was biblical ? I have never heard of it before but looking at one of the web sites it seems to be a means of getting people to get involved in a church setting without actually being in church, so to speak – a springboard for encouraging people who wouldnt normally want to go to church to become exposed to the Truth through personal witness, guest speakers or even being invited to the services ? We have a similar thing at our church – an old public house that we have converted into a community centre next to our church. I see pro’s and con’s for this but any further input would be gratefully received. Thank you.









Heath Tibbetts
Heath Tibbetts If they’re talking about the book by Ross Parsley, I have read it recently. He is essentially advocating for a multi-generational church, and attempts to say that in the same way a family’s growth can be messy and chaotic, so can a church’s growth.

Jed Kramer
Jed Kramer Not knowing much about this idea, take the following with a grain of salt. All I would warn against is putting too much emphasis on the “messy” part, and not enough emphasis on glorifying God through relationships, teaching, learning, encouraging, etc. Whatever is done should be done for the glory of God…not to glorify a particular ‘structure’ or lack thereof.

Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry I concur with Jed’s comment. We had a messy church too one time. It happened when the custodian went on vacation.

Joe Maxey
Joe Maxey LOL, Robert! Jed is spot on!

Dean Revell
Dean Revell I guess also because it has no ecclesiastic regulation, as strictly speaking it is not a church but a springboard/forum to get unbelievers in to hear the word of God there can be no disciplinary measures that can be applied in the same way as you can in a church ?

Patrick Thompson
Patrick Thompson Good comments! I would just add that our best pattern for church has always been the early church in Acts, who “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ docrtine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul”. When churches get away from the origianl blue print for the church, they are trying to please man rather than obey God.

William Brenner
William Brenner Patrick, I agree. If we make too much of the environment or too little, is our focus in the wrong place? We need to exercise respect and restraint for the sake of worshipping Him properly…not to make it comfortable for those who want to remain marginal.

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