From a donor: “Thank you for all you are doing to contribute to His Kingdom’s work. You bless and educate many believers, and provide biblical answers to questions of “not-yet” believers. May God continue to bless your ministry.”
From a donor in Lesotho: “Thank you for your service to our Lord and teaching me over the past 4+ years.”
From a donor: “I am so grateful to you, I think you are worth so much more, I gave what I can now! You have been such a help to me like a 4 year University.”
From a Compelling Truth eNewsletter subscriber: “Thank you for this message. It enrichest my spiritual growth. I am hoping to receive more. God bless…”
From a site user: “I need to thank you so much course you have helped me.”
From a questioner: “A few months ago I sent a question to your website. The answer was wonderful and helped me a lot, because it made me realize that although I “stood at the door and knocked” by considering being a Christian, I never was willing to “walk through it” and truly put my trust in Jesus. After realizing that, I prayed and told God I was ready to believe, accept Jesus as my savior, and live for Him. That was a very happy moment for me, but it left me with a lot of questions.”