Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Q&A on satire … and some bonus jokes

April 6th, 2015
Jeff Laird April 6, 2015 I get asked some version of this from time to time, wasn't surprised to see it come through the website. If you're happy, and you know it, lighten up! Question: Is it wrong to satirize or joke about Christ and Christian faith? Answer: A pastor was running late for a counseling session, and couldn’t find parking anywhere near the office building he was headed to. Desperate to make it on time, he pulled into a “no parking” zone, and left a note on his windshield, which said: “I’m a minister . . .

Thoughts on: “Are you born again? Six tests for the Christian”

April 6th, 2015
Chris Jacobson April 5 at 5:52pm This is long but good, thoughts? Are you Born Again? Six tests for the Christian This is one of life’s most important questions. Jesus Christ said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”. John 3: 3. It is not enough to reply, “I belong to the church; I suppose I’m a Christian”. Thousands of nominal Christians show none of the signs of being born again which the scripture have given us – many listed in the first Epistle of John. No habitual . . .

How to respond to questions about Got Questions’ view on other Christian organizations

April 5th, 2015
Ed Chait April 4, 2015 · Edited I received this question and I'm struggling with it because the questioner is asking specifically about GQ's position on a specific Christian organization. I've only briefly researched the organization at this point, but so far it seems sound on the essential tenets and doctrines of the faith. My difficulty with this question is that after what I recently experienced and learned about, I personally would not recommend a Christian organization that does not hold to a literal hermeneutic, . . .

ISIS and the Old Testament

April 2nd, 2015
Craig Simons April 1, 2015 I have a dilemma going on as I am doing my Bible reading. Maybe you all can help. I know God is holy and we are not. I know he hates sin and will punish it. That being said, I'm having difficulty reconciling the violence in the Old Testament and the violence committed by Muslims today. I have difficulty condemning what, say, ISIS is doing versus what God commanded Joshua and Israel to do in taking the land He was giving them. Thoughts? Like · Comment Seen by 38 Ed . . .

Q&A on Tithing

April 2nd, 2015
Lincoln Bostick April 1, 2015 · Los Angeles, CA Hello family, I have a question for which I could use your collective wisdom. For tithing purposes, would you tell someone to tithe on their child support? Unlike · Comment Seen by 25 You and Ed Chait like this. Craig Simons I personally think it's erroneous to call it "tithing" under the new covenant since tithing was a means to support the Levitical priesthood who served in the temple. To not tithe was not an . . .

Becoming a better writer

April 2nd, 2015
Allen Skipper April 1, 2015 I have been volunteering here for 3 years. When I read other people's answers on here, it's clear my answers are just not as polished and as professionally-sounding. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can become better at it? I want to be a person that the editors love to go can I get better? Unlike · Comment Seen by 33 You, Ed Chait, Laurel J. Davis and Lori DeGrazia like this. Craig Simons Honestly, I think we all feel . . .

Thank you from donors – March 2015

April 2nd, 2015
Thank you for all you do, Please never stop!   I thank God for the work you guys are doing in this ministry! It is such a blessing to have answers to some not so easy passages, I pray that God would bless you guys and speak through in truth! God bless you!   God Bless to all the staff there. Thanks for being a great resource!   Keep up the good work everyone! I am praying that God continues to use your ministry for His glory and special purpose in today's world.   Your ministry has been a blessing in my . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement