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How to respond to questions about Got Questions’ view on other Christian organizations

April 5th, 2015

April 4, 2015 · Edited

I received this question and I’m struggling with it because the questioner is asking specifically about GQ’s position on a specific Christian organization.

I’ve only briefly researched the organization at this point, but so far it seems sound on the essential tenets and doctrines of the faith.

My difficulty with this question is that after what I recently experienced and learned about, I personally would not recommend a Christian organization that does not hold to a literal hermeneutic, which I believe is Biblical.

I know from reading GQ articles pertinent to the issue, that GQ believes that reading the Bible literally is essential. One article I read even called it a “must”, which I agree with, but as an individual volunteer, I hesitate to present my answer as the GQ party line. How would you guys handle it?

Question 391003: What is GotQuestions view of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship?

  • Dwight Payne I would think that questions concerning GQ’s official position on a topic would best be written by GQ staff and not volunteer writers. I don’t think I would ever take it upon myself to, as you stated, “present my answer as the GQ party line”.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Wendyl Leslie Ed, whenever I’ve answered questions in which my thoughts may vary somewhat with GQ’s stanch, I generally respond with something along the lines of “GotQuestions’ ministry believes and holds to ‘such and such’ doctrine, ideas, etc., . . .” Depending on the nature of the question will further determine whether or not I’ll interject my own personal views.

    And I’m with you in that I also would not recommend a Christian organization that does not hold to a literal hermeneutical view of the Scriptures.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann I would say, “GotQuestions does not have an official position on this ministry. Here is a brief history of the ministry and its mission statement…” Try not to overthink it… Just be concise and general.
    19 hrs · Like · 3
  • Joe Maxey I agree with Melissa, Ed. You are correct in your thinking- just stay Biblical with your answer and you’ll be fine!
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Dale Agner Jesus used quite a bit of wisdom when he stated, in Matt 12:30-32, “He who is not with me is against me”, and in another situation in Luke 9:49-50… “for he who is not against you is for you.”…If an organization confesses Jesus…and is growing in submission to Him, we would be best to praise how an organization is striving to follow Jesus. Intervaristy hosts the premier Missions Conference ~3 years (historically in Urbana, IL), now just called “Urbana” to encourage college students to seriously consider committing to a life of missions…and nearly every major missions organization attends, to include nearly every [large] mainstream biblical theological seminary…~20,000 college students attend this challenge to missions every 3 years…
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Steve Ray Webb Keep in mind that the theology of one of these organizations can vary somewhat depending on its local leadership. They do not have an iron-fisted “pope” enforcing doctrinal correctness.
    18 hrs · Like · 1

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