Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Shea presenting at The Navigators

April 21st, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann April 18 at 2:55pm Shea had the honor of presenting GotQuestions at a Navigators conference this morning. It went really well and it was truly an honor to be invited. One lady came up to him afterward and said, "I know you must be a geek, but I couldn't tell that from your presentation." LOL! She then proceeded to ask him to fix her phone... which he did. Unlike · Comment Seen by 55 You, Elizabeth DeVore, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Dianna Gay and 27 others . . .

Q&A on Gender Neutral Bathrooms

April 21st, 2015
Danielle Swiontek April 19 at 8:42pm Hi, could some of you share some thoughts on how to respond to this question... How should Christians view gender neutral bathrooms? Should we support the safety of the individual? (I assume they are also referring to the issue of allowing men to enter women's bathrooms and women to enter men's restrooms...per the recent controversy regarding transgender people.) Like · Comment Seen by 32 Ed Chait and Wendyl Leslie like this. Sarah . . .

Q&A on repartee and innuendos

April 17th, 2015
Laurel J. Davis April 16, 2015 I'd love your thoughts on this question, thanks!: What are good Christian repartee or any example/s of Christian repartee from the Bible? Is there a list? I want to know how to use innuendos or repartee the proper way as a Christian. Unlike · Comment Seen by 26 You and Ed Chait like this. Jeff Laird Jesus' use of the same word in three different senses (pneuma) in John 3 comes to mind. 20 hrs · Like Tim . . .

Question on God Making Something He would Later Regret (Genesis 6)

April 15th, 2015
Johan Ferreira April 14, 2015 Hey there, I just received this question and would really appreciate your thoughts to get different points of view: Why would God create something He would later regret making?" (Based on Genesis 6) Like · Comment Seen by 32 Ed Chait and 2 others like this. Jeff Laird Running to work, but below is how I answered something similar (not exactly the same) about that chapter: Question: In a previous question "Does god make mistakes" the . . .

Help with a question on the Merovingians

April 13th, 2015
Dean Revell April 12, 2015 Hi everybody, I dont normally ask for help but have just been asked whether somebody is Merovingian and does it relate to the Lords siblings in anyway? I have never heard of the term and only found something loosely related to Freemasonry? Any help would be great. Like · Comment Seen by 40 Tim White does that help? The Merovingian Bloodline FreemasonryThe Unlocked . . .

Can Christians form militias against ISIL?

April 9th, 2015
Kris Cadogan April 7 at 4:01pm Is it biblically okay for Christians in Iraq and Syria to form militias to fight against ISIL? Is it biblically okay for Christians in the west to donate money to such groups? Like · Comment Seen by 31 Ed Chait, Marc Weiss and Carol Coleman like this. Fred Apelquist Can't wait to read the responses. We know that violence begets violence and certainly in the Middle East blood feuds last for generations, if not in perpetuity. April . . .

Conference in Dallas regarding Homosexuality

April 6th, 2015
Kristen Rasor April 6, 2015 · McKinney, TX Good conference coming up in the Dallas area on the topic of homosexuality. I'll be there, God willing. Truth & Love Conference - Register for your tickets here The new “gay-Christian” movement is redefining the gospel in the name of God’s love. This year's Truth & Love Conference will be a time for us to encourage one another with the real gospel of truth and love for God’s glory. REDGRACEMEDIA.COM Like . . .

Donor Thanks

April 6th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore April 6, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO I couldn't wait to share this from a donor: "Happy Easter! Although I am a proud Catholic, your website has helped me along my walk with Christ. Thank you!" . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement