Team GotQuestions Blog

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Q&A on Gender Neutral Bathrooms

April 21st, 2015

Hi, could some of you share some thoughts on how to respond to this question… How should Christians view gender neutral bathrooms? Should we support the safety of the individual?

(I assume they are also referring to the issue of allowing men to enter women’s bathrooms and women to enter men’s restrooms…per the recent controversy regarding transgender people.)

  • Sarah Van Baale I would say the Bible is silent on this specific issue, as I never remember reading anything about bathrooms in regards to gender. However, my husband said the answer can be found in John, because he has a strange sense of humor. (I do think safety should be a priority, especially considering children and women who have the most to lose in this scenario.)
  • Wendyl Leslie You’re husband is funny, Sarah!
  • Steve Ray Webb I was surprised by how common unisex bathrooms are in much of Europe. I definitely do not favor this from the standpoint of modesty even when safety is not an issue but I must admit that having any bathroom at all is better than none at all (as true of some of the places I have been). I hope we don’t reach this point in the U.S.
  • Ed Chait It is something that churches need to prepare for and have a plan in place for.
  • Danielle Swiontek Sarah Van Baale, that is funny. Yeah, I don’t think there’s much to go off of as far as the Bible, except that God does care about our welfare and safety, especially in the case of women being taken advantage of by men…

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