Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from July 2015

August 3rd, 2015
Question:What do we learn from Zacchaeus the tax collector? Answered by: Polly Gwinn, who has been a volunteer with us since October 2004. Answer: Zacchaeus taught me that Jesus chose me (John 15:16) and came to seek me so that I might be saved (Luke 19:10). If I seek God with all my heart I will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13) but I must come to Jesus like a child, humble and not thinking myself great (Matthew 18:2-4). The sycamore tree is a symbol of that place in our lives where and when we have a clear vision of Jesus. I call this the recognition . . .

Fun testimonials from July 2015

August 3rd, 2015
From a questioner: "For once I dont have a question but I want to say this very much yall dont quite understand how good you bounch has made me feel. I know the answers you give me are honest and true. im not the smartest person in the world but it really helps me. my wife believes in the big bang concept. that makes it so hard an sad for me. I even try to her it makes her mad. its good to know I get confused I got a place to go. thanks very much." From a site user: "... Praise the Lord! The very first one was your site and I've been reading . . .

Question on Salvation and Alzheimers

July 27th, 2015
Kris Cadogan July 26, 2015 Was assigned this question. Any thoughts? " If a person lives their life knowing about Jesus and God, going to church, but not really accepting Christ into their heart, then has a disease such as Alzheimer`s do you think it`s too late to get into Heaven? I do understand that we don`t know Gods Grace or judgement on anyone, only our own hearts." Thanks for all your comments much appreciated. I would just like to ask that we pray for this individual and others in similar circumstances. Like . . .

Question on the Holy Spirit forgiving sins

July 21st, 2015
James Toland July 20, 2015 · Hudsonville, MI Question I just received "Jesus has forgiven sins on earth. Can the Holy Spirit specifically forgive sins? How?" The first part I assume is "yes" as Jesus could forgive sins because He was God and since the Holy Spirit is also God He could too. It's the "How" I am unsure of as I don't recall scripture discussing this. Thoughts? Like   Comment Seen by 22 Ed Chait and Erik van Geel like this. Kris Cadogan Initial thoughts: . . .

Question on Light in the New Heavens and New Earth

July 21st, 2015
Steven Matthew Vovk July 19 at 8:21pm · Edited So I got this question and while I chuckled at the sunglasses part, the portion of where God will be seated in he New Heaven and New Earth was intriguing. Any thoughts? "Jesus Will be Our source for daylight Will the believers need sunglasses on the new earth? I know what the dictionary says about But what does the Bible say what glorified regarding our bodies? How will life be on the second earth heaven? One last question. Jesus will rule in new Jerusalem, And God our Father . . .

Question on Working for a Company that Supports LGBT

July 12th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie July 7 at 2:46pm What are your thoughts on the following question I've just been assigned: "Should I be working for a company that supports LGBT? Or a company that supports anything that opposes God’s word?" Thanks much! Like · Comment Seen by 57 Ed Chait likes this. Jeff Laird Not to be trite, but 1 Corinthians 5:10 comes to mind. There are almost no companies on earth that are morally, doctrinally perfect. Of course, each person has to decide . . .

Thank yous from June Donors

July 10th, 2015
May God bless you and the work you do.   Thank you for all you are doing. I use the site frequently for information for my Bible Study. God's blessings to you all.   I thank gotquestion.organization for having an effect in my life. Because of it, I found so much information about the bible and help enlighten me about certain topics I otherwise wouldn't understand. Thanks again and may God continue to bless go   Thank-you for your ministry. It has helped me much in preparing my lessons. The Lord continue . . .

Thoughts on why Jesus healed one blind man in two stages

July 6th, 2015
Ed Chait July 3 at 4:05pm This is something I've wondered about. We are not told, but why do you think Jesus healed this blind man in two stages instead of instantly? (Mark 8:22-25) And they came to Bethsaida. And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, "Do you see anything?" And he looked up and said, "I see people, but they look like trees, walking." . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement