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Question on Salvation and Alzheimers

July 27th, 2015

July 26, 2015

Was assigned this question. Any thoughts? ” If a person lives their life knowing about Jesus and God, going to church, but not really accepting Christ into their heart, then has a disease such as Alzheimer`s do you think it`s too late to get into Heaven? I do understand that we don`t know Gods Grace or judgement on anyone, only our own hearts.”

Thanks for all your comments much appreciated. I would just like to ask that we pray for this individual and others in similar circumstances.

  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Joseph Ford Those with Alzheimers tend to have times of lucidity. However, if they never confessed Christ before the disease took, the odds certainly decrease that they will confess Him after. Believing family members would help things by reading the Bible and singing worship songs to them. My 2 cents worth.
    16 hrs · Like · 2
  • William Brenner Would you agree that they were given the opportunity, but avoided or neglected making a decision for Christ? Kind of reminds me of certain men who live with a woman for years but never get married. There is a value in commitment and a question of why a commitment is avoided. Each of us could have a sudden permanent change like a car crash, coma, stroke, etc. other than a slow oncoming disease like Alzheimers and be in the same predicament. So we are warned to trust in Christ without delay, for we are not even guaranteed tomorrow. That said, I would attempt to evangelize anyone as long as they are breathing. We don’t know what their awareness might be even if they cannot show a response. I remember people talking in my hospital room as if I was out cold, but I heard every word and could not respond due to the anesthsia that had just begun to wear off. So I would do the same for someone in any condition where they might listen but not respond back.
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Stuart Mattfield It harkens back to the verse in Exodus where God hardened pharaoh’s heart. There are times when God removes the ability for repentence. I guess the answer should include points that a profession of faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10) is required for salvation, whether such an event has occurred evidenced by fruit of the Spirit but known only for certain by Jesus and the individual, God’s holiness does not allow us to play fast and loose with the requirements for salvation through faith.
    15 hrs · Like · 1
  • Dwight Payne “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that–and shudder,” (James 2:19).
  • Cory Carwile I’m not certain what the “they’ve attended church and known about Jesus their whole lives” angle is for in this question. I think we’d all agree that you can go your whole life living a superficially Christian life without being saved. The questioner seems to get this, too. So what difference does he/she think getting Alzheimer’s would do? How is this any different from the situation of any other unbeliever with Alzheimer’s?
  • William Brenner Right, disease does not give you special dispensations from biblical commands.
    14 hrs · Like · 1
  • Marc Weiss I think that this is exactly what Hebrews 6:4-6 and those verses are about (I still don’t think one can lose his or her salvation, but that is another topic and I won’t address that part on this one). Therefore, I am with the others. Sadly, many people sit in church pews week after week, sing songs, and do things for Jesus, but in the end Matthew 7:21-23 apply. That passage scares me even as a believer, and it should. I professed Jesus as Savior and I have my good points in life and my bad. Some days, I don’t “feel saved” but I know I am because I professed Jesus, and I want nothing more than to please Him. Now, as it applies, it is where one’s heart is. I think Stuart said it best – at some point repentance is impossible. We know that from Hebrews 12. HOWEVER, only God knows when that is. We can never ever presume that it is too late for anyone. We just share the Gospel and let God work. I wanted to put that disclaimer out.
  • William Brenner True believers take it seriously and not presume. Nonbelievers don’t think about it much at all.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Marc Weiss William – That does make me feel better because Matthew 7:21-23 and Hebrews 6:4-6 make me quake in my boots. I know I am saved, but I still read those and just get scared. That is probably the biggest indicator I am saved as I actually care about that – even if it does not apply.

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