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Question on Light in the New Heavens and New Earth

July 21st, 2015

So I got this question and while I chuckled at the sunglasses part, the portion of where God will be seated in he New Heaven and New Earth was intriguing. Any thoughts? “Jesus Will be Our source for daylight Will the believers need sunglasses on the new earth? I know what the dictionary says about But what does the Bible say what glorified regarding our bodies? How will life be on the second earth heaven? One last question. Jesus will rule in new Jerusalem, And God our Father will still be in the new Heaven?”

  • Ed Chait and Marc Weiss like this.
  • Jonathan Morales I’m guessing we won’t have to use glasses with our glorified bodies. Heck, Jesus could walk through walls and eat at the same time, I mean hows that even possible?
  • Carol Coleman Well, on a serious note, I would just put in a lot of scriptures that describe what heaven etc. is going to be like. At least what we can tell from the Bible.
  • Steven Matthew Vovk But the question is where will God the Father be in the New and Heaven and New Earth?
  • Kris Cadogan Just a quick note. “And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb” Revelation 21:22. I take this to mean that God the Father will be in the New Jerusalem which is located in the new heaven and earth.
  • Alyson Dreyer The new heaven and earth are so God can abide with us, among us, and we with him. Jesus with us, Maybe the Father in the new heaven.
  • Steven Matthew Vovk Great thanks folks

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