Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Please let us know if you can answer more questions …

July 1st, 2015
As you may remember, our question traffic spiked in March, and it hasn't slowed down. Monthly, we average about 3330 questions. We're delighted that so many are curious and are finding our site. And we're continually reminded of just how important our volunteers are and how grateful we are for you. That being said, if any of you is able to take an extra question a week, please let us know. Also, if you know of any great writers who agree with Got Questions' Statement of Faith and are looking for a place to serve, please send them our way. . . .

Monthly Stats – June 2015 (and semi-annual report)

July 1st, 2015
Here is the STATISTICAL REPORT for JUNE 2015: 7,919,211 users 10,700,969 sessions 16,942,929 pageviews 21,706 professions of new faith in Jesus Christ from 334,582 pageviews of our Gospel Presentation pages Praise the Lord!!! To download the full report, go to: To download the statistical report for the first half of 2015, go to: . . .

Prayer Requests – July 2015

July 1st, 2015
PRAISES AND PRAYER REQUESTS: Thank you for your prayers. This month, we would especially appreciate your prayers for: 1. Our questioners to ask the real questions to which they need answers and to be drawn to God and His truth. Pray that God's love would be evident to them and that His Word would do its work and produce fruit in their lives. 2. Refreshment for fellow volunteers. Please pray that all involved with this ministry would get the rest they need and be energized by God in every way they need it, not only in their work with Got Questions, . . .

Sample Q&A from June 2015

July 1st, 2015
Question: Is it wrong to think of yourself as being special? Is it a sin? Does doubting that you are special actually show that you are more human and a better person who cares more for other people than some-one "who is full of there own self importance" and doesn't ever doubt themselves? Does God/Jesus want you to always think of other people as being special before yourself? Or not? Or does he want you to think that you are special/important to him? Yours Sincerely Answered by: Edie Edmondson, who has been a volunteer with us since February . . .

Scripture for July 2015

July 1st, 2015
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." – Proverbs 3:5-8 (ESV) "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." – Galatians 5:1 (ESV) "Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new . . .

Testimonials from June 2015

July 1st, 2015
From a pastor in Wyoming: I'm going to refer people to your site this Sunday. We're going through Daniel 1-6, and this Sunday is the Fiery Furnace, and the 4th person there, so I'm going to talk briefly about Christophanies in the OT and tell people they can go to your site. Great site, thanks! From a site user: What you people have been doing at is a very good thing. I certainly pray that God is with you and your ministry. As for myself, you have proved to be reliable time and time again. I feel like the phrase . . .

Amazon Reviews for Questions about the Bible

June 25th, 2015
Shea Houdmann June 25, 2015 We could use some positive reviews on Amazon for our new book "Questions about the Bible" - - if you have an Amazon account and a little time, we'd appreciate your help. Thank you. Questions about the Bible: The 100 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Bible There has never been another book like the Bible. And there never will be. Only the Word of God is “living and enduring” (1 Peter 1:23) and is more precious “than . . .

On Christians and Old Testament Promises

June 25th, 2015
Justin Tilghman June 23 at 12:20pm · Kinston, NC So I know there's often some discussion on here regarding Covenant Theology. I wouldn't say I fall "squarely" in that camp, but I do have an honest question. If we draw a distinction between the church and Israel, how can we as "Gentile" believers still find hope and comfort in the promises of the OT, as these were actually made to Israel (ie., Isaiah 66:13, Jeremiah 29:11, etc.) Like · Comment Seen by 32 Ed Chait likes this. Alyson . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement