Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Help with a Question on Sharing a Church Building with a Church that has Distinct Doctrinal Differences

October 6th, 2015
Ed Romero to ‎Got Questions Writers October 6, 2015 I'd like to phone a friend: "I am part of a small church plant looking into moving to a new building. There is an Evangelical Lutheran Church that may allow us to use their facilities. After researching the ELCA denomination, they appear to be very liberal while our congregation is very conservative. We would still be our own church, but is there anything wrong with sharing a building with another congregation even if we don't agree with them? Thank you for . . .

Discussion on Culpability and Demon Possession

October 5th, 2015
Kris Cadogan October 5, 2015 Are possessed people responsible for their actions? Would the sin go on the record of the person or the demon? Thanks Like   Comment Seen by 46 Ed Chait likes this. Comments Tim White Good question. I am certain that God will not let me make the decision. However, I see it as to be demon possessed, they walked into it volitionally so they must be responsible for any consequences of those decisions. (not sure volitionally is a . . .

Discussion on prophecies today

October 5th, 2015
Jonathan Morales October 3 at 5:15pm Greetings brethren! I would like to read your opinions: Does God warn us of imminent natural disasters? There have been many "prophecies" for my country that a huge earthquake is to come and that a tsunami will follow, destroying most of the island. However, many of these "prophecies are inconsistent in some details. What do you think? Like   Comment Seen by 56 Comments Tim White I stick to the teaching that anything that . . .

Article and Discussion on “Moral Injury” (psychological scar from war similar to PTSD)

October 5th, 2015
Dale Agner October 3 at 5:23pm I came across an interesting article in a metropolitan paper; MORAL INJURY, A PSYCHOLOGICAL SCAR FROM WAR SIMILAR TO PTSD. Your thoughts may generate some interesting discussion. The article is intriguing, and basically addresses an issue that I see rooted in the gospel [the thought of "I've been exposed, didn't prevent, or participated in something that I cannot reconcile with my conscience"]. The HOPE of the gospel, amongst many things, also firmly includes a clear conscience. . . .

Thank yous from September 2015 donors

October 2nd, 2015
thank the LORD JESUS CHRIST for his servants professing the truth of his word. May the Holy Spirit be with you in your work & mission. The hour of judgment is here. FIGHT the good fight my brothers & sisters in CHRIST......   May God bless your ministry and all those who bring glory to Jesus who work there.   I have found your questions and answers to be a blessing to me!  Thank you!   Thank-you for your ministry. I've been blessed by finding good answer to my questions. The Lord Continue to bless you.   God . . .

Important Safety Reminder

October 1st, 2015
Please do not put personal identification information in your responses. We deeply appreciate your heart to love on questioners and connect with them, but we also very much want to protect you and your information. We know nothing about questioners other than their email address, IP address, and details they choose to share (which may or may not be true). Feel free to ask questioners about their location and send information about local churches or ministries you may know about, but please do be cognizant of the nature of being an online ministry . . .

Writing Tips – October 2015

October 1st, 2015
Remember to tailor your responses based on the questioner profile or what you can glean from the question. For example, for questioners from Africa, Asia, or Europe, including American idioms in your response may not be the best. Also, if you are able to surmise the general reading level of the questioner based on their submission, altering some of your own vocabulary and syntax may be helpful. Often the questioner's comfort with a certain topic or knowledge level of a certain topic are also apparent from their submission. Please remember to explain . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement