Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank yous from September 2015 donors

October 2nd, 2015

thank the LORD JESUS CHRIST for his servants professing the truth of his word. May the Holy Spirit be with you in your work & mission. The hour of judgment is here. FIGHT the good fight my brothers & sisters in CHRIST……


May God bless your ministry and all those who bring glory to Jesus who work there.


I have found your questions and answers to be a blessing to me!  Thank you!


Thank-you for your ministry. I’ve been blessed by finding good answer to my questions.

The Lord Continue to bless you.


God bless you all is my prayer. Great work. I have NEVER found an answer that you gave that I disagreed with.


I have used your resource several times.  Whenever I have bible questions I turn to your resource.  I found it very sound and correct to my spirit and a great guidance tool.  Thank you so much for your ministry.  I pray that God would use you abundantly in these last days.  I cannot thank you enough for your service.


Thank you for all you do.  I recommend your site regularly to both those who need Jesus Christ and for those who are growing in their faith.  Blessings


I want to thank all of the writers on this site for giving me understanding on my research for answers. I asked God to help me understand the bible, because of so many different interpretation of the Bible, and your site is where he has led me. Now I have the drive to learn more knowledge than ever and you help me accomplish this great new spiritual awakening I have. I don’t have much to give, but I give what I can, because with out you I would still be lost. Thank you God for being here for me when I needed you and thank you for

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement