Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Resources on Creation / Evolution / Science Questions

March 27th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb March 23 at 6:48pm · Edited Anyone who has interest in the battle against evolution or has science questions in general, I recommend the Discovery Institute as the place to go. They are a true powerhouse of science knowledge with people like Dr. William Dembski and Dr. Michael Behe serving as Senior Fellows. They are a breath of fresh air compared to the embarrassing 'hillbilly science' that so many websites promote. Like · Comment Seen . . .

Article on Hawking’s wife

October 4th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb October 1 at 8:37pm "The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to those of us who are being saved it is the power of God" (I Cor. 1:18). Some of you may recall that Hawking's wife (who was a Christian) divorced him when she became increasingly upset with his atheistic views. Stephen Hawking Confirms That He Is An Atheist - Science News - redOrbit In . . .

Is science an objective endeavor?

September 29th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 28, 2014 Is science a pure objective endeavor by truth seeking scientists? At the heart of many misgivings and mistrust among Christians is the belief that many, if not most, scientists have antipathy if not outright hatred towards Christianity and are working behind the scenes to discredit it. Do such scientists exist? Certainly. And many of them are found particularly in the field of biology. It has become a sad mess when we cannot trust science to take us forward to useful unbiased knowledge. . . .

Age of the Earth / Steve Webb’s Credentials

September 27th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 26 at 7:48pm Why should you listen to me when it comes to age of the Earth questions? My words are not inspired. I am not infallible. There are sincere influential Christians who disagree with me. I don’t claim to be the smartest geologist on the planet. And I have less prestige than many geologists who have published more than me. So why should you listen to me? First of all, I truly do honor the Bible as God’s fully inspired and accurate Word (plenary inspiration). Since my youth I . . .

More on Sea Level and Oil

September 26th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 26, 2014 · Edited As promised, here is my post explaining more about sea level change and why it is important to the oil business. Let me preface it by saying that geologic time, as measured in millions of years, is foundational to all our work as petroleum geologists. If it were not so I would have plainly told you. But in this post I am biting off a very small piece, namely what sea level variation and its age-dating have to do with finding oil. I will do this using the simplest example . . .

Climate and sea level change

September 24th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 24 at 9:50am Climate and sea level change continues to be in the news and it inspired me to write a quick note on it. From a geological perspective there is no such thing as stable sea level. It is always changing; some of the changes in the past have been huge, exceeding 300 vertical feet. These changes are due to many factors, the most important being eccentricities in Earth’s orbit (Milankovitch cycles), ocean basin volume changes related to plate tectonics, and global volcanism. The . . .

On Rudistids (fossils of clams)

September 15th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 13 at 11:54pm What are Rudistids? They are a class of long extinct clams. Their form is bizarre in that most of them look more like corals, depending on the type of rudist (and there are many types). Why have I taken a fancy to them? A combination of reasons: 1) where I once lived they were easy to find on fossil hunting expeditions, 2) they make attractive specimens adorning my collection, 3) they are quite important to the oil business in terms of age-dating and in recognizing depositional . . .

Israel and Gas Fields

September 9th, 2014
Steve Ray Webb September 7 at 1:14am Many people do not realize that the economic climate in Israel is about to undergo a huge shift due to the discovery of two huge gas fields offshore Israel that are named Tamar and Leviathan. This will make Israel energy self sufficient for at least the next 25 years, along with giving them a huge boost in export profits. If America is losing the moral courage to stand behind Israel (as evidenced by this administration), God may be replacing her with other means. LikeLike . . .

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