What are Rudistids? They are a class of long extinct clams. Their form is bizarre in that most of them look more like corals, depending on the type of rudist (and there are many types). Why have I taken a fancy to them? A combination of reasons: 1) where I once lived they were easy to find on fossil hunting expeditions, 2) they make attractive specimens adorning my collection, 3) they are quite important to the oil business in terms of age-dating and in recognizing depositional environments (some rudists grew in reefs, others in quiet water lagoons, others along the shoreface, etc.). Some young Earth proponents believe that the fossil record is a mish-mash of debris with its layering governed by flood hydrodynamics. I would shout this from the rooftops if it was true – but it isn’t. The fossil record around the world displays a consistent sequential ordering that has nothing to do with Noah’s Flood, and as I have said many times before, this is not to cast doubt on the biblical account of the Flood. Blessings!