Team GotQuestions Blog

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Thoughts on Gospel invitation in responses

September 15th, 2014

This was in the August 2014 Staff Newsletter:

“Please always feel free to conclude your answers with a brief Gospel presentation. It might be helpful to have a standard conclusion for all your responses. For example, one of our writers, Larry, puts the following:

“The most important thing is that you believe in God, and that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died on the cross for your sins, and on the third day He rose from the dead. If you confess this with your mouth and

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  • Marilyn Mcclintock FacebookAlways a good reminder! Thanks.
  • Carol Coleman This is a very good idea. I usually end with something like “I hope this helps answer your question. We are always here to help.”

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  • Alyson Dreyer I don’t think the “we” harms the passage as long as they know it has to be a personal and not a group choice.
  • Ed Chait Thanks Alyson! Maybe I’m over-thinking it.
  • Steve Ray Webb Ed, I generally like this although I would temper it according to my specific audience. So many people have been ‘preached at’ that they can quickly tune out, especially if they see a lot of words that they have heard before, or at least think they havSee More
  • Byron Earnheart I do try and mention the Gospel at the end…but I’m also very informal too at the end to avoid preaching. I try and end with the Gospel, then “Hope this helps! God bless!!” The reason being so that it’s not preachy and addresses that I’ve done my best to answer their question as best I can…knowing that I’ve ended with some takeon the Gospel.
    • Ed Chait I appreciate that Byron and agree that it’s better to incorporate the gospel message into the answer instead of just tacking on something more generic sounding at the end.
    • Byron Earnheart Thanks ed. I just realized that the answer I did tonight I actually forgot about a gospel message (in fairness, I think he is saved…but still). I’ve found that I have to be conscious about it. I get so worked up about getting my answer “right” that sometimes I forget THE most important thing. I pray we all don’t forget that in an effort to get an answer “right”.

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