Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Recommended Resource from Robert LeClair

February 2nd, 2018
I use a computer program that is free called Bible Study, from Olive Tree bile software. I use a Mac platform, but i am pretty sure it comes for PC???     The Olive Tree Bible App by Olive Tree Bible Software Bible Reading and Bible Study with the Olive Tree Bible App from Olive Tree Bible Software on your iPhone, iPad,...       It has been updated many times and is finally stable, and . . .

Sample Q&A from January 2018

February 1st, 2018
**This is a good example of a response that is thorough, easy to understand, practical, and encouraging. Question: "I'm a young Christian and I really want to grow closer to god but I don't know the word, how do I study the word, is there a special method?" Profile: Female, 31–45 Answered by: Danielle Swiontek, who has been a volunteer with us since June, 2005. Answer: Hi there, thank you for your question! I am so glad you have come to know Jesus as your Savior and want to grow closer to the Lord! God wants us to not just read the Bible, . . .

Testimonials from January 2018

February 1st, 2018
From a questioner: I was born and raised in a Christian household by very faithful parents; but up until recent (nearly a month ago) I realized that I had been living as somebody who hadn't fully & truly accepted Jesus Christ. I believe it's in God's will, sometimes, to show us what life is like away from Him in order to give us people some form of contrast when we realize Jesus Christ has actually come into our lives in our moment with Him. I still have room to grow in my faith; it's also in my own nature to have tons of questions & your site has . . .

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2018
Happy New Year! Though nothing magical happens when we change the calendar from December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018, there is something refreshing about a new beginning. We serve a God who is in the business of new beginnings, at all times of year. Even so, we're taking this opportunity to thank Him for His faithfulness and abundance in 2017 and to look forward to what He has in store for 2018. We're excited for His plans and so glad you are on the journey with us. As we embark on this new year, we know that we can do nothing apart from God. . . .

Sample Q&A from December 2017

January 1st, 2018
**This is a good example of addressing assumptions within a question to provide an answer that explains foundational Christian truth and responds to the question at hand. The response is logically laid out with clear and understandable explanations. It is also gentle and demonstrates a loving heart to the questioner. Question: Hi, Are there any writings that are directly from Jesus And not just from his words? Answered by: David Crum, who has been a volunteer with us since June, 2014. Answer: Hello and thank you for your question. Honestly, . . .

Sample Q&A from November 2017

December 1st, 2017
**This response is an example of answering a question thoroughly and directly yet concisely. It clearly defines terms and has a friendly tone. Question: "When does hope provide comfort?" Answered by: Tim White, who has been a volunteer with us since May, 2011. Answer: Dear friend, thanks for your question. I will be glad to provide you with some things to think about concerning hope and comfort, but this is one of those topics that we, in this life, can only scratch the surface. First, please understand that "hope" in the Bible is far more . . .

10-Year Anniversary Volunteer Profiles

November 1st, 2017
Each year we like to celebrate our volunteers who have reached the 10-year mark of serving by sharing a bit about them with the entire team. I've asked them to share a little blurb with things about themselves, how they got started with Got Questions, what has kept them serving, and/or a favorite Got Questions story. Whether you've served with us for a few weeks or many years, likely something in their stories will resonate with you. Enjoy! Kathy Martel (February): Ten years ago, I had been talking online with Catholics for 6—7 years after . . .

Sample Q&As from September 2017

October 2nd, 2017
As you'll see in the examples below, there are a variety of ways to answer questions. Some of our writers are a bit more verbose whereas others are a bit more direct and to the point. Some questions need more explanation whereas other don't. Response style also changes depending on the questioner profile and the content of the question. There isn't one "right way" to go about answering questions. We hope these examples will encourage you and also help you as you continue to seek to serve our questioners well. ** The below is a good example of . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement