Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from January 2018

February 1st, 2018

From a questioner: I was born and raised in a Christian household by very faithful parents; but up until recent (nearly a month ago) I realized that I had been living as somebody who hadn’t fully & truly accepted Jesus Christ. I believe it’s in God’s will, sometimes, to show us what life is like away from Him in order to give us people some form of contrast when we realize Jesus Christ has actually come into our lives in our moment with Him. I still have room to grow in my faith; it’s also in my own nature to have tons of questions & your site has helped me tremendously in gaining clarity, so far, so thank you for the info/perspectives.

From a questioner: Just wanna say thank you for all the work you guys do. You’re tackling some pretty tough yet amazing questions, aiding my spiritual growth as a college student in the process. Thank you!

From a donor: Thank you for all you do to help educate people about the Bible. I am so blown away by your thorough dedication to accuracy and truth. At the same time, it is so clear the folks who make happen truly care about this ministry and the people who visit. This site is such a valuable resource for my family. May God bless you and allow you to continue for many years to come!

Praise God for the work He is doing! What a gift that He uses us as part of His plan. Thank you for sharing in ministry!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement