Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from December 2017

January 1st, 2018

**This is a good example of addressing assumptions within a question to provide an answer that explains foundational Christian truth and responds to the question at hand. The response is logically laid out with clear and understandable explanations. It is also gentle and demonstrates a loving heart to the questioner.

Question: Hi, Are there any writings that are directly from Jesus And not just from his words?

Answered by: David Crum, who has been a volunteer with us since June, 2014.

Answer: Hello and thank you for your question. Honestly, this can be a tricky/complex question.
Christians adhere to the teaching of the Trinity. Within this concept is One God, with three distinct “persons.”

To review more about the Trinity, please see this link:

I mention the Trinity because this correlates to your question. Is Jesus God? Yes, Christians teach Jesus is God Himself. Therefore, the Bible is directly from God.

One of the most common arguments from skeptics is often, “Jesus did not state this, or say this, or teach about this.”

However, this argument is not valid as Jesus is God. If we separate verses or teachings from God in Deuteronomy and Jesus in the gospel of John, we have errored. There is one God. So if God the Father commanded something in the book of Genesis, this means Jesus and the Holy Spirit commanded the same thing. There is but one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 3:20; 1 Timothy 2:5).

Likewise, we learn the Bible is completely inspired by God. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

We must remember God used men inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible. Mankind was led to write the Bible. Many books in the Bible are in fact letters, written from one person to another or to an entire church. This is particularly true for the New Testament. As Christians, we believe the Bible is inspired by God Himself. On the inspiration of the Bible please view this link:

The answer to your question is then, Jesus has inspired the entire Bible. The entire Bible is from God. The canonization of scripture was a very careful practice. I am referring to what books in the Bible were chosen to compile the complete 66 book Bible we possess today. On the canonization of scripture, please view this link:

As you can see, your question turns into a very “loaded answer.” First we must acknowledge Jesus is God. Hence, He is equal to God the Father. This is important to note because this is what our religion is focused around, Jesus being God. After all the definition of a “Christian” is a follower of Jesus Christ.

Second your question correlates to the “inspiration of scripture.” We believe the Bible is holy, inspired by God Himself. Basically, we affirm the canonization of scripture was in fact a miracle. God had a reason for placing the Bible amongst His creation.

And lastly, your question connects to what books and even verses should be in the Bible. Again, we affirm this is directly from God. God has always (both past and present) used mankind to carry out His will. The creation of the 66 Book Bible was quite in-depth as mentioned in the link above.

In closing, your answer is complex, yet simple. Jesus inspired the entire Bible. God has written and given us a Bible to know Him, to trust in Him and to follow Him. If you have not placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I pray that you will study the Bible, seek to learn more about Jesus and call upon Jesus for salvation and guidance. I have prayed for you today.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement