Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Q&A – Does Israel own the land they are in?

February 3rd, 2015
John McPhaill February 2, 2015 Have we any person here who is historically-informed who can help me out with this question: "Does Israel own the land they are in" (more broadly-placed on my part)? Much graciousness! Like · Seen by 22 Fred Apelquist John -I'll forward an article (or 2) from Dr. Gerald McDermott of Roanoke College, who is an expert on this. Regards,Fred W. Apelquist, III(703) 459-6622 18 hrs · Like · 2 Christopher Dupre Oh, man. Don't . . .

New Christian ‘starter pack’?

January 19th, 2015
Christopher Dupre January 18, 2015 Do we have a 'starter pack' of resources for new Christians? I guess we all should have one in our hip pocket to give, but I don't. Like · Seen by 30 Ed Chait, Lincoln Bostick and 2 others like this. Tim White Ditto. I am still looking for that right one. I usually tell new converts to go through the Book of John with a journal asking one question: Who is Jesus Christ? Then go through the book of Ephesians and ask one question: . . .

Q&A – A former (?) Mormon wanting to start a new church in the mountains

January 15th, 2015
Cory Carwile January 14 at 4:22pm So I received possibly my oddest question yet last evening. Behold: "I've been a Mormon 35 years.The bible says by gods grace you are saved.Our church says by works your saved.This might sound weird but I've been thinking about being a priest.I want to call the church the church of Christ Why that name because with out Christ we are not saved.The more I read the bible the more I understand it.I want to buy land in the mountains called the ark.Our government is taking control of us more . . .

Nace Howell on the Erastus Inscription

January 12th, 2015
Nace Howell January 12, 2015 Here is an article I recently wrote about the Erastus Inscription.…/the-erastus-ins… Apologetical and Theological Commentary: The Erastus Inscription... What does it mean? THEOLOGICALCOMMENTARY.BLOGSPOT.COM|BY COOLBIBLEKID Unlike · · Share . . .

Popular Article in Wall Street Journal by Eric Metaxas – Science making case for the existence of God

January 11th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb January 9 at 10:49pm This is the most popularly accessed online posting EVER by the Wall Street Journal. You should listen to it, if for no other reason than to know it is out there. Does science prove that God exists? VIDEO.FOXBUSINESS.COM Like · · Share Seen by 23 Ed Chait, Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil and 3 others like this. Steve Byrd This is interesting. . . .

Encouraging Comment

January 5th, 2015
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil January 5, 2015 Just sharing a comment from a Filipino reader of GQ from one of the forums where i share GQ articles. Unlike · Seen by 20 You, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Ed Romero, Ed Chait and 3 others like this. Kristi-Joy Matovich Thanks for sharing! . . .

The answering process … You are not alone

January 4th, 2015
Gina Cook January 3 at 11:05pm Is it just me or is it the "easy" questions that take the most time to answer? I don't know how many times after reading the "easy" question I'm like, "oh I've got this!" and then when I go to answer it I just sit there dazed and confused, typing and deleting, typing and deleting, typing and deleting and praying for God to take the block out of my head. OH and those times I spend hours answering a question only to reread it CORRECTLY right before I get ready to send it off- realizing I . . .

Writer thank you and encouraging words

January 4th, 2015
Laurel J. Davis January 3 at 7:11pm · Los Angeles, CA A public THANK YOU to the GQ editorial staff for the opportunity to answer a question about E. Bernard Jordan in particular and seeking "prophetic counsel" in general. I honestly don't know why I felt so strongly compelled to answer this one. I don't know why I'm so close to tears about it. Although I have seen enough of Jordan on TV and enough instances of false prophecy, I have no personal experience with Jordan or with false prophets. Please pray with me for the . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement