So I received possibly my oddest question yet last evening. Behold: “I’ve been a Mormon 35 years.The bible says by gods grace you are saved.Our church says by works your saved.This might sound weird but I’ve been thinking about being a priest.I want to call the church the church of Christ Why that name because with out Christ we are not saved.The more I read the bible the more I understand it.I want to buy land in the mountains called the ark.Our government is taking control of us more than you will know.Its to long to explain my self about what’s going on.The ark is a place that will have solar panels wind power gardens. Our economy is collapsing the dollar is about to fall apart.Do your own research am not crazy.we will have well water gardens guns for protections food storage is a big thing you must have it before you come.This is only a test to see if people would come or not.Email me to see if you think its a good idea or not?”
There are a couple issues going on here. Is he still I Mormon? I get the impression that he no longer is. Is he aware that there is already a denomination called the Church of Christ? I’m not sure where to even begin with his whole compound-to-save-us-from-the-government plan. Have any of you guys run into a subject like this before? Any suggestions on where to start?