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Q&A – A former (?) Mormon wanting to start a new church in the mountains

January 15th, 2015

So I received possibly my oddest question yet last evening. Behold: “I’ve been a Mormon 35 years.The bible says by gods grace you are saved.Our church says by works your saved.This might sound weird but I’ve been thinking about being a priest.I want to call the church the church of Christ Why that name because with out Christ we are not saved.The more I read the bible the more I understand it.I want to buy land in the mountains called the ark.Our government is taking control of us more than you will know.Its to long to explain my self about what’s going on.The ark is a place that will have solar panels wind power gardens. Our economy is collapsing the dollar is about to fall apart.Do your own research am not crazy.we will have well water gardens guns for protections food storage is a big thing you must have it before you come.This is only a test to see if people would come or not.Email me to see if you think its a good idea or not?”

There are a couple issues going on here. Is he still I Mormon? I get the impression that he no longer is. Is he aware that there is already a denomination called the Church of Christ? I’m not sure where to even begin with his whole compound-to-save-us-from-the-government plan. Have any of you guys run into a subject like this before? Any suggestions on where to start?

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  • MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann I’m glad he assured you, “I’m not crazy.”
  • Christopher Dupre After making sure he knows the true Gospel, let him know that we are not called to ‘survive’ but to be lights in the world, and you can’t do that hiding in a compound. I don’t think he knows of the Church of Christ denomination. If he’s been Mormon that long, he would have been insulated from most outside influences. All he knows is that all other churches are apostate. Looks like he thinks God is calling him out of the LDS church, which is where he got his prepper leanings, no doubt. Great. Another LDS offshoot.
  • Danielle Swiontek Reading this reminds me of having a conversation with an old student’s grandparents… They were Mormon but also very “from the sticks” and talked a lot about how bigfoot was real (and asked why I didn’t believe in him?). I’m wondering if this guy is all there… Good luck attempting to cover all these topics!
  • Gwen Sellers Hmm … Wow. You might just start with those questions. Maybe first clarify the issue of salvation. Then go into assurance in Christ and asking Him for guidance about the need for a commune. You might say that it hasn’t seemed to be the norm for God to call people away like that. Maybe you’ll find some help in this article – I would probably also suggest that he keep reading the Bible and get plugged into a local, biblical church. Thanks for taking this one one! I’m interested to see where God leads.

  • Jeff Laird Oh, he sounds like a “subject”, alright. There’s not much of a Biblical question in there, but you could always ask, as a prospective “priest”, what he thinks of some of the Got Questions articles on Mormonism. That points him on the right path, without going to far down the rabbit hole right away. If he wants to talk then, great.
  • Laurel J. Davis To piggyback on what Gwen said, perhaps the most important/foundational thing to do is redirect him to what it means to be a Christian. There seems to be that huge gap in his description of where he was and where he now is (or is not?) in his relationship with Jesus. Then direct him to grow in his most holy faith, as a disciple (reading the Bible, going to church, endeavoring to live holy, etc.). That will help him to be more clear (discerning) about what God has truly called him to do. I pray for his salvation/assurance thereof. Have fun!
  • Sarah Van Baale Not that this is very important, but it may be worth tucking away into the back of your mind – LDS is was originally “The Church of Christ” then they transitioned to “The Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints” now they often just go by “Latter Day Saints.” My dad rents space in his apartment building to the LDS church in Utah for their “elders/missionaries” which are really just a couple of teenage boys fresh out of high school going around knocking on doors. But if I remember correctly, the check comes from “The Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints,” so the “Church of Christ” name is actually still used by the Mormon church.
  • Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil He seems to be questioning his own faith and that’s a good starting point. God has His own way of calling His elect from all denominations and it’s a great opportunity to be used by Him to call His sheep Cory Carwile. You may start with affirmation that he is right when he said “the Bible says by God’s grace you are saved,” then from there, explain the Gospel. I think his heart is a good soil to plant the seed on.
  • Sarah Van Baale I was slightly off – their official name is “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” (I don’t think it pertains to your answer, but I do think that is probably where he’s deriving his “new church” name.)
  • Laurel J. Davis If so, Sarah, then all the more reason to make the truths of the Gospel clear. Why would he want to retain anything that has to do with the Mormon church if he’s really walked away from it?
  • Sarah Van Baale I agree Laurel. I’m not sure this guy really wants to leave the church but rather change it. Lay people can become “priests” in the LDS church. My over all opinion is that he senses something isn’t right, so his mission is to become a priest and start a sect of the church in the mountains where he can teach people the “truth” and survive the end times. I may be off, but this sounds all too reminiscent of many cults that have come out of the LDS faith. I’d be curious to know whether or not he considers the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
  • Evan Plante He wants to be a prepper priest, so there’s two huge salvation “ins.” The “do not worry about tomorrow” aspects of Christ’s teachings (Do you know Christ at all?), and the priesthood of Christ…especially as opposed to men (Do you know Christ’s “once and for all?”). Good opportunities here. Amen.
  • Tim White Start by asking him if he has picked his med prescriptions.
  • Gina Cook Oh my. I agree you need to just give him the real Gospel and the real Jesus and maybe let him know that you can’t hide from Gods judgement, anywhere. If one really cares about souls they won’t hide them in the mountains from the government but will share the only hope we have to flee from eternal damnation. I really don’t think he will understand but we just need to pray and share scripture knowing with God it is possible. .
  • Fred Apelquist Cory –

    I can’t wait to read your answer.
    See More

  • Cory Carwile Thanks for all the recommendations, guys! As many of you have mentioned, I think the most important thing is to reinforce a biblical idea of salvation and how God relates to humanity. As for his survivalist compound idea. . . well, I’m trying to put together something more eloquent than just saying “No, that’s a bad idea. Don’t do that.”
  • Laurel J. Davis Hmm, I wonder if saying it just like that is best for someone of his mind set? Just kidding. Sort of.

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