Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank you from a Questioner

February 11th, 2015

A “question” from February 11, 2015 from a girl in Asia who is under 18 –

Got questions is a real gift from God! Thank you so much that i found out about your organization. My questions are answered. im so grateful. thank u so much for leading me into Jesus the Son of God smile emoticon God bless you! I hope More people will go to ur page.

Site searches and typos / misspellings

February 6th, 2015
Shea Houdmann February 6, 2015 In the bigenning of aech new yaer, we go through the saerch logs frum the previos yaer to find all the mispellings. Then we enter them into the saerch ingine so that when poeple mispel things, the corekt artecles will still come up. Here are the most frekuentle mispeled words: adultery, alcohol, amillennialism, apocrypha, atheist, baptism, blasphemy, Buddhism, Calvinism, Catholicism, circumcision, crucifixion, dinosaurs, divorce, eunuch, Ezekiel, forgiveness, Hanukkah, homosexuality, hypocrite, . . .

Feedback on how writers feel about the “faith status” option in the questioner profile

February 6th, 2015
Ed Chait February 4 at 10:40am How is it working out for others to have the questioners have the option of indicating that they are Christians? Like · Seen by 31 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. James Toland I haven't had a question where they identified as one. February 4 at 11:06am · Like · 1 Carol Coleman I like knowing if they are a Christian or not. It helps me decide how much Bibilical background I may need to . . .

Thank yous from Donors – January 2015

February 2nd, 2015
Our father is using your website for his Glory!  Soli Deo Gloria.   You are a great help to Christians to understand more fully about the truth. Keep it up.   All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15   Before I was a Christian this website gave me the information I needed to break down my barriers and accept Christ.  This website continues to bless me when I am faced with unanswered questions, . . .

Donor Thank You

January 20th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore‎Got Questions Writers January 20, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO · I accidentally sent out the emailed annual receipts with my email instead of the support email. Getting some cool comments: Please extend my thanks to everyone at Got Questions. I am always clarifying questions for a Bible Study I am in and my Sunday School Class! Thank you all for "Being There"! . . .

Questioner Thank You

January 19th, 2015
Gwen Sellers January 15 at 6:52pm From a questioner - "Thank you for making this site, over the passed years I've visited this place multiple times when I have questions I cannot ask anyone else." Like · Seen by 48 Marc Weiss, Wendyl Leslie, Ed Romero and 14 others like this. Steve Ray Webb My kids (now grown) would have loved GotQuestions when they were young. It would have made lots of homework questions much easier for them as home-schoolers! January 16 at . . .

Got Questions Bumper Stickers

January 14th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore January 13, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO (Sorry, should have put this up earlier.) If anyone would like a bumper sticker, you can order one here, and MeLissa's parents will lovingly send it to you smile emoticon Order the bumper sticker Order the bumper sticker GOTQUESTIONS.ORG Unlike · · Share Seen by 35 You, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Ed Chait and 2 others like this. Kathy . . .

Encouraging Comment

January 5th, 2015
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil January 5, 2015 Just sharing a comment from a Filipino reader of GQ from one of the forums where i share GQ articles. Unlike · Seen by 20 You, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Ed Romero, Ed Chait and 3 others like this. Kristi-Joy Matovich Thanks for sharing! . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement