Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Question on what are the most important things God has given us

May 19th, 2015
Byron Earnheart May 18 at 11:31pm · Tunica, MS Got an interesting one today. I haven't responded yet but i have an answer brewing in my head. But it's an interesting question and would love to hear y'all's thoughts... Question 400073: What are the most important things God has given us? In what order? E.g. life, free will, salvation, love..... Like · Comment Seen by 46 Ed Chait and Fred Apelquist like this. Ed Chait I think being created . . .

Discussion on whether theology has to be systematic

May 15th, 2015
Ed Chait May 14, 2015 Does theology have to be systematic? Like · Comment Seen by 24 Tim White Eventually, since we learn about an organized God who desires us to know Him And learn of Him. And since the process involves renewing the mind, our learning requires that we can mentally catalog what we learn in a systematic way. Systematic understanding helps us grasp ideas that are not clearly described but assumed we would discover. Yesterday at 1:34am · Like · 2 William . . .

Question on Why God allowed sin to enter the world

May 13th, 2015
Sarah Van Baale‎Got Questions Writers May 12, 2015 My son, Isaac, (12) has been asking everyone he knows - literally everyone - if they can explain why God allowed sin to enter into the world. Not why sin is in the world. Not why bad things happen to people. Not why the devil is allowed to wreak havoc. He wants to know why God initially allowed Satan to enter the garden - so to speak, though he didn't phrase it that way. I gave my thoughts to him, and talked about free will. I asked him how he would feel if every . . .

Help with a Q on Mosaic Law

May 6th, 2015
Joe Maxey May 5, 2015 Here's a question I received yesterday. I assume the questioner is asking about whether we are still under the Jewish legal system and dietary laws and why is there a trinity? Any ideas on this one? What explanation would you give then to what Jesus said in Mathew 5:17-20? This is directly from God Himself. And also what explanation will you give on the writings of the prophets, there prophecies about the house of Juda and the house of Israel without the hebraic root understa... See More Like . . .

Writer Discussion on how the doctrine of a “Second Blessing” affects a church

May 6th, 2015
Ed Chait May 4 at 12:20am · Edited My wife and I were talking today about the doctrine of a second "baptism of the Holy Spirit" as a separate and distinct event from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation. In addition to there being no significant scriptural support for this, we both thought it essentially produces two classes of believers. Those who have attained the requirements for or been favored with this second blessing and those who haven't. I haven't had all that much exposure to this . . .

Isaiah 53 (“Suffering Servant”) and the Nation of Israel

April 29th, 2015
Ed Chait April 29, 2015 This is a question of mine that I thought I would ask at the best place I know to ask questions. What are good arguments that Israel cannot be the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53? Like · Comment Seen by 22 Ed Romero and Jinny Leo like this. Robert Lowry Because the verses so clearly describe the person of Jesus, rather than a nation? (just like 42:1-9 and 49:1-7) 7 hrs · Like · 4 Sarah Van Baale The last line reads, . . .

What does the “for” mean in Genesis 3:16?

April 28th, 2015
Sarah Van Baale April 26 at 4:39pm In Genesis 3:16 the English Standard Version has a footnote after "for" which says "or against." (…) For and against seem to be opposed to one another so I'm guessing that this Hebrew word is not translated very easily into English. Can someone help clarify its meaning? Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 3:16 - English Standard Version To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain . . .

Thoughts on Qualifications for a Women’s Bible Study Leader

April 28th, 2015
Kristen Rasor April 26 at 7:25pm · McKinney, TX Gang, what are your thoughts on the scripture support being asked for below? Thanks! "What are the qual for a woman to teach a women's bible study? Specifically there's a lady in my church that will be leading our ladies, but she doesn't attend any functions outside of church, including Sunday School, all of which she used to do. Something's off and I know my pastor is aware of this and has spoken to her. He just encouraged us to be like the Bereans and test everything, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement