Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

10 Years at GQ – Gloria Small

January 2nd, 2014

Shea, ten years ago on the tenth of this month (October), you welcomed me aboard the writing staff at Got Questions. I keep the original e-mail in a special folder. The passing of time has brought me many blessings through the opportunities that you have graced me with. I am so very grateful to you Shea for welcoming me and working with me. And over the years I have been fortunate to work with all of the staff editors and to name them all is impossible for I fear I would leave someone out. I thank and bless them all.

My opportunity started out with the first question on October 10, 2003; question #18939. As of this letter, question #314425 arrived in my e-mail this morning. It has thrilled my heart to know that over the years I have been offered the opportunity to touch many lives because you opened that door for me, which was surely of the LORD. As you might remember, my youngest daughter Rebecca had been called home just the month before; and I truly believe that God brought me this opening to help me deal with the grief of separation by allowing me to focus upon the questions and the hurt that others were experiencing. God is so good.

Beginning with January 1, 2004, I archived all of the Q&A’s on my computer, and the rest, from October 10 to the end of 2003, I have saved a hard copy of in a folder. Reading through them always fills me with gratitude for the way Got Questions has allowed me to be a part of the ministry and for as long as He wills, I will be blessed to continue.

To all of you who have been such a blessing to me and granted me the wonderful experience of the past ten years, I thank you. God uses you in my life each and every day, even when I am not answering questions. I trust that as you continue the labor of love that has touched so many lives and that has grown in such amazing proportions since you began in February 2002, that God’s grace and mercy will overshadow each of your lives.

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Love IN Christ,

Gloria Small

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement