Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

10 Years at GQ – Marilyn McClintock

January 2nd, 2014

I started writing for GotQuestions when my friend and former neighbor, Howard Eppler, became too ill to continue writing.  Because of the need for writers, he asked if I would be interested in that kind of ministry.  I prayed, and decided to give it a try, trusting that if God could use me, I would be so happy to serve Him in such a meaningful way.  Because of my background, there seemed very little I couldn’t identify with in some way, so I told Shea that I preferred to take questions concerning family-related issues/problems.

My main reason for keeping at it is because of my great desire to encourage others to truly trust the Lord to give them victory in any situation.  Because I have leaned so heavily on the Lord to help me through my own tough times, and experienced victory in and through many spiritual battles, I can confidently tell others that He is all-sufficient in any situation, based on His own promises to those who believe Him.  What He has done for me He can do, and more, for others.  It is to God alone that I give praise, for it is the indwelling Holy Spirit who enables me now to encourage others to trust Him fully in their time of need.  I feel so blessed if I can help anyone in any way.   Most of all, I could have never dreamed in a million years that God would use my article, “Why I Should Not Commit Suicide?”, to see so many put their faith in Jesus Christ!  That is super amazing and very humbling.  For that alone, it was worth all the suffering I experienced when my mother took her life when I was 14, followed by numerous other traumatic events.

It has been a joy to serve the Lord through GotQuestions.  I must admit that I get excited each time I see another question on my email.  Although there are times when I think that “this” is one I just don’t have an answer for, after praying for wisdom, I find Him directing me, which is very exciting.  Many thanks to you, Shea, for allowing me to serve with you in this way.  I have been so blessed getting to know you and MeLissa, and now some of the other staff members.

Marilyn McClintock

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement