Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

How does the Q&A System Work? And the articles?

October 29th, 2014
How does the Q&A system work? A questioner submits a question at S/he is given the opportunity to include profile information and prior to final submission of the question will be given a list of articles that may address the issue. If the questioner chooses to submit his question, he receives a confirmation email with a copy of the question and a note to expect a response within 2-7 days. The question is then placed in the Q&A system and marked as "Unassigned." Each day, one member . . .

On providing links/references to songs in answers

October 19th, 2014
Sarah Van Baale October 19, 2014 I have never referenced a song, and I'm very hesitant to, because not all music is created equal. In fact, I take issue with certain Christian songs they play on the radio, because the theology behind the lyrics isn't always sound. However, after just submitting an answer to a young woman who was raped and feels unworthy of God's love, this song really came to mind. I tried very hard to convey this message to her through words, verses, and love, . . .

Answering Tips – October 2014

October 1st, 2014
- It's been fun to see the different Gospel presentations many of you are including at the conclusions of your answers; keep up the good work! - A friendly reminder to cite your sources if you're copying from another website or using a commentary, Christian book, etc. - If the questioner gives their name, it's a nice idea to include their name in your response. - We try to ask for clarification on vague questions before assigning them to you, but sometimes the questions are still a little difficult to pin down. Feel free to ask questioners . . .

Websites for Synonyms

September 11th, 2014
Kristi-Joy Matovich September 8 at 3:02pm Since we all write for GQ and I'm sure many do for other venues as well, here's a really neat resource I just discovered for synonyms! It', and Both have a very extensive database, but what I particularly love about is that it visually traces each word back to the root. The two are run by the same folks, so if you go to synonym-finder, you can just hit the blue "graph words" button in the upper right-hand corner. . . .

Answering Tips / Reminders

September 3rd, 2014

Assignors attempt to search the site for appropriate articles to answer questions, but sometimes we miss them. Or sometimes we think the question requires a response that’s a bit more personalized than the related article. Either way, please feel free to use as a resource in your responses.

Remember that is also a good resource for responses, particularly for current event issues.

Answering Tips – August 2014

August 1st, 2014
1. Please always feel free to conclude your answers with a brief Gospel presentation. It might be helpful to have a standard conclusion for all your responses. For example, one of our writers, Larry, puts the following: "The most important thing is that you believe in God, and that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died on the cross for your sins, and on the third day He rose from the dead. If you confess this with your mouth and believe this in your heart, you will be saved and you will have your place in Heaven with Jesus. Amen! John . . .

Answering Tips – July 2014

July 1st, 2014
- A friendly reminder to please try not to copy articles from other websites. And, if you do (because sometimes they really are the best answer to the question), please let the questioner know that you have done so and provide the source of the information. - If a question is giving you pause or you're curious how others might answer it, you can always post it to our Facebook page and request feedback. - If you ever have a question, you can submit it through the system or post it to our Facebook page. Our other writers are here to help! . . .

Writing Tips: Suicide

December 1st, 2013
Unfortunately the joy many of us experience during the holiday season also brings an increase in depression and thoughts of suicide for many. In case you receive a question that hints at suicidal ideation or have friends or family members talking about suicide, we thought we'd give you some tips. It can be nerve-wracking to receive a question that mentions suicide, especially if you've not been trained in suicide prevention. But don't freak yourself out about it. Recognize that this person's life is in God's hands. Seek the guidance of the Holy . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement