Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Answering Tips – October 2014

October 1st, 2014

– It’s been fun to see the different Gospel presentations many of you are including at the conclusions of your answers; keep up the good work!

– A friendly reminder to cite your sources if you’re copying from another website or using a commentary, Christian book, etc.

– If the questioner gives their name, it’s a nice idea to include their name in your response.

– We try to ask for clarification on vague questions before assigning them to you, but sometimes the questions are still a little difficult to pin down. Feel free to ask questioners for more information before providing a full response.

– Remember that you can always point questioners back to the site for further information and also invite them to ask follow-up questions (either of you or by sending in a new question).

– If you think of something right after you’ve submitted your response, it is usually still available for you to edit. Feel free to follow the response link and make any changes/additions you need to.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement