Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Selection of notes of appreciation and testimonials from April 2024

May 1st, 2024
Thank you so much! I appreciate your time spent on this question. Over the years, your website has been a huge blessing to me! I would just first of all like to thank you for your ministry, it is truly a blessing to the church, please keep doing what you are doing. I thank God for the work of ministry you are doing to teach/help the body of Christ. Got questions is real relevant to everyone who wants to know more about God and the Bible. Your website has been a tremendous help to our ministry. Thanks for the hard work of discerning God's . . .

Note from Gwen for April 2024

April 2nd, 2024
He is risen, indeed! What an incredible truth to have been especially reminded of this past weekend. And what an even more incredible reality to live in daily! The reality of our hope in Christ colors the entirety of our lives. Recently, I was thinking about the way it affects our current grief. Several of you know that my dad is in the end stages of Huntington's Disease. As our family watches his earthly life slip away, our grief persists. Even though we have joy that he will be with the Lord, we mourn the realities of living in a fallen world. . . .

Selected Notes of Appreciation from March 2024

April 2nd, 2024
From a questioner: Thank you, [Volunteer]! I appreciate you answering my question about salvation. The recommendations for my anxiety, depression, and paranoia are also appreciated. Because they contribute to doubts of salvation. Not to mention how there are Christians who contribute to the doubts by claiming that works are required for it — condemning people for drinking alcohol, playing games, watching movies, or other issues not pertaining to it. Your commentary of salvation helped me understand it more — how sinning against God, while . . .

Note of encouragement from Gwen for March 2024

March 4th, 2024
Are you waiting on the Lord? With Easter around the corner, I'm struck by the timing of God. God promised a Messiah in Genesis 3, but it was thousands of years until Jesus came—"when the fullness of time had come" (Galatians 4:4). And even then, He did not begin His public ministry until thirty years after His birth. And then it wasn't what the people expected. Jesus died and was buried. All looked lost … but, on the third day, when the time was right, He rose again! Victory! Salvation! A new covenant ushered in. Realization of the promises . . .

Selection of testimonials and notes of appreciation from February 2024

March 4th, 2024
From a questioner: I don’t have a follow up question, but I wanted to write & tell y’all thank you. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question & help me understand what I was asking. I’ve overcome my fear and I am now in a physical church. I have spoken to the pastor and I’m going to join the church AND be baptized this coming Sunday! Praise God! Wanted to say thank you for helping me get into church because I know it’s essential. Just, thank you?? From a questioner: Many thanks to [Volunteer] for his answer to . . .

Encouragement from Gwen for February 2024

February 1st, 2024
Happy February all! With Valentine's Day there often seems to be a special focus on love this month. The love shared between couples, among family members, and among friends is truly worth celebrating. Human relationship, even with all its challenges, is such a gift. I love the way we see God's image and His character reflected in one another, and the ways we can help spur one another on to growth. Yet even the best of human love is but a small reflection of the perfect and unfailing agape love of our great God. How amazing that He loves us so . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from January 2024

February 1st, 2024
Thank you [volunteer]! You put a lot of work into that and I really appreciate it!! I will continue to read over what you wrote and think on what you said! Again thank you very much and God bless you as you help people like me who need to discuss these things and get good perspectives!! Thank you so very kindly for the in depth information and solid practical ways to strengthen my faith. I asked so many people this and they couldn’t even give an answer for some reason. I really appreciate this a lot for walking me through this step by step . . .

Note from Gwen for January 2024

January 3rd, 2024
Happy New Year! We pray you are entering into 2024 with a sense of wonder at the goodness of God and hopeful expectancy in Him. We know this newsletter finds many of you in heartbreaking circumstances, others of you in celebration, and still others in a sense of the mundane. No matter our circumstances, we know we serve a good and faithful God. May the fullness of His hope, joy, and peace pour into your hearts as we begin this next year.   Wherever this newsletter finds you, may the faithfulness of God encourage your heart. We are looking ahead . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement