Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from May 2016

June 1st, 2016
From a donor: "I can not express to you all how much your ministry means to me. The Holy Spirit has used your Bible based answers to renew my mind to the Truth of God's wonderful plan for believers in Jesus. I am a chaplain volunteer at our Bexar County Jail here in San Antonio. It houses over 4,000 inmates. I started ministering there 6 years ago after retiring from medical practice. I wanted so much to be a fisher of men. I had spent almost forty years going every 6 months for 1–2 weeks into Mexico taking a mobile operating room with surgical . . .

Encouraging Testimonial

May 6th, 2016
From Shea - An awesome testimonial we received along with a donation: I can not express to you all how much your ministry means to me. The Holy Spirit has used your Bible based answers to renew my mind to the Truth of God's wonderful plan for believers in Jesus. I am a chaplain volunteer at our Bexar County Jail here in San Antonio. It houses over 4,000 inmates. I started ministering there 6 years ago after retiring from medical practice. I wanted so much to be a fisher of men. I had spent almost forty years going every 6 months for 1-2 weeks . . .

Donor Notes from April 2016

April 29th, 2016
bless you in this ministry! To God be the Glory!   Excellent explanations for Christianity and followers of Christ   Father, make Your Name known around this world through GotQuestions and may You be glorified through it all. Bring them in.   God bless your team!!   good job. Keep doing.   Good work   Got Question been doing great work. You helped me during my time of grief after loss of my wife, even took time to answer my questions personally. Thank you and God bless.   Got . . .

Testimonials from April 2016

April 29th, 2016
From a questioner: "Hello, Firstly I want to point out that this website has really helped my out with questions. I really appreciate the time and effort you people put in this website." From a questioner: "Thank you for your response. I cannot tell you how much I love this website!!!!! Seriously, I have spent hours on it downloaded articles and listed the full verses that are referenced in the articles. It really helps my Bible Study. I am starting to keep a spreadsheet of questions that I am finding on there. I will search what questions others . . .

Encouragement from site users

April 24th, 2016
Received to "I don't know what to say.....i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.those questions and answers on your website are very useful specially for believers at the end of the are doing what God wants from all of us to do.may God bless you in everything,Amen and Amen.I love you so much!!!" From a questioner: "Not a question just a word of thanks. You are truly a blessing!!! God be with you!!!" From a questioner: "... thank you for ministering in this way. Your ministry has been a great help in the . . .

Testimonials from March 2016

April 1st, 2016
From a donor: "Thank you for all you are doing to contribute to His Kingdom's work. You bless and educate many believers, and provide biblical answers to questions of "not-yet" believers. May God continue to bless your ministry." From a donor in Lesotho: "Thank you for your service to our Lord and teaching me over the past 4+ years." From a donor: "I am so grateful to you, I think you are worth so much more, I gave what I can now! You have been such a help to me like a 4 year University." From a Compelling Truth eNewsletter subscriber: "Thank . . .

Thank yous from February donors

March 8th, 2016
Your organization helps us to keep the biblical truth as the most powerful source when learning and studying various concepts of the Bible and sharing the biblical truths with others.  It has become one of my most used resources for myself and others. We all must continue to present truthful, godly responses to the myriad of problem facing us on a daily basis in each of our lives.   Love your website.  We use it often and tell others about it as well and they love it too. Thanks for being used by the Lord...   Thank you . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement