Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Testimonials from September 2019

October 3rd, 2019
From a questioner: As a follower of Christ and a college student I've always been a nerd for apologetics and also conspiracy theories. Those two fields can sometimes cause seeds of doubt if one is not rooted in scripture and their walk with Jesus, however with my personal experience, doubt has both hurt my faith and made it stronger. This is a testimony that God uses the iniquities of us all to fall on Him (Isaiah 53:6). And over the years of my doubt, you guys at have answered questions that I've had since I was a fresh sixteen . . .

Testimonials from August 2019

September 2nd, 2019
From a questioner: Thank you for your doctrinally sound and heart felt responses to the questions that are give to you. Your answers are very encouraging and helpful to many tough issues. May the Lord bless your ministry and lead you all as you serve Christ. From a site user: I really appreciate what you guys are doing online. As the world and web grow darker, we need voices of truth speaking and pointing people to Christ and the word. I'm passionate about using the web to advance the Kingdom of God globally. Thank you for your service in this . . .

Testimonials from July 2019

August 1st, 2019
TESTIMONIALS: From a questioner:  I'm thankful to whole team God bless you From a questioner: Thank you very much for your insight, support and sharing God’s word From a questioner: Thank you so much for your response. I also want to thank you for your YouTube channel and website. It is so helpful in my walk. From a questioner: Good day, Firstly thank you for the wonderful work you do for God This site has helped me through countless questions. From a questioner: Thank you so much, I am consoled and encouraged by your . . .

Testimonials from June 2019

July 1st, 2019
TESTIMONIALS: From a questioner: Thank you for your wonderful answer, prayer, encouragement and sharing of your own experience. I feel a lot of gratitude for little blessings like these. I also pray that your work and the work of this amazing institution that is gotquestions can continue to bless others. Thank you once again.   From a questioner:  Thank you God bless you!!!!!!! Finding the truth and the answer to this meant so much to me. It was a battle I was having but nevertheless I trusted the word of God and needed the extra . . .

User testimonials from May 2019

June 3rd, 2019
TESTIMONIALS: From a questioner: Thank you for your help, yours is an interesting and useful service, God bless. From a questioner: Thank you! I’m a Christian apologist and asked my question because I wanted to know what Got Questions thought and how it would respond to these things I’ve heard from others. I totally agree with and appreciate this answer. God bless! From a questioner: Let me use this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and speed response. May Almighty God bless you and your team. From a questioner: Thank you this . . .

Testimonials from April 2019

May 1st, 2019
From a donor: I find your knowledge and understanding of our Father's WORD invaluable too!!! Thank you for allowing yourselves to be available for our Father's Precious Holy Spirit to use you to flow His Wisdom through. It has blessed me and to be a blessing to others through sharing the WORD you get from our Father with other Christians AND especially with those who have as yet received JESUS as their LORD AND SAVIOR! 😀  I'm Happy, Blessed AND Fortunate to be a part of the family of! 😀 From a questioner: Thank you for your . . .

Testimonials from March 2019

April 2nd, 2019
From a site user: I just want to say, "Thank you for all you do to get the Bible and the correct understanding of the Bible to the world!" You folks are awesome. I have used your site for years, and just came across! Another wonderful idea and a nice simple format coupled with solid content that surely makes the execution of your concept/vision profitable for nearly anyone! Really well done! While I am not able to help financially at this time, I am able to pray for you and your ministries. As prayer coordinator at our church, I will . . .

Testimonials from February 2019

March 1st, 2019

From a site user: "I have been a Christian for many years, and continue to learn much from your site in addition to Gods word of course. I am so thankful for your website and all the many topics you carefully lay out with biblical truth and wisdom. God bless your ministry! Thank you so much, your ministry has advanced the kingdom of God. May God bless each of you."
From a questioner: "This is not a question but a word of encouragement. Thank you for providing a balanced, biblical, non-militant, gracious source for people to find answers to . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement