Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

10 Years at GQ – Jeff Laird

June 1st, 2014
Jeff Laird – April 2014 After a long personal search for spiritual answers, I came across Got Questions. I wished I'd known about it earlier, so I volunteered to help, and it quickly became a cornerstone of my personal ministry work. Back-story: My parents raised me in a solidly Christian home, and faith was an important part of my childhood. Some of my favorite memories are Baptist summer camps and Vacation Bible School. Once I hit my teen years, though, the faith I had didn't come close to competing with peer pressure and sexual temptation. . . .

10 Years at GQ – Jim Braden

June 1st, 2014

Jim Braden – October 2014

This simplest statement about me is this: I was a hopeless, drunken sailor when I was 20.  After a Navy shipmate shared his faith with me, I was saved the next day when I placed my complete trust in Jesus.  Since then, God has given me a desire to share my faith with others.  I was born a sinner, but I was born-again a saint.  Thirty years of my life was spent in or around the US Military, and now I am a chaplain to veterans, for whatever years I have left.

A Cold War Submariner

10 Years at GQ – Polly Gwinn

June 1st, 2014
Polly Gwinn – October 2014 My reason for starting with GotQuestions is very simple.  I needed an answer to a question and contacted GotQuestions site.  At the time you were looking for writers and asked me to join the forces which I willingly and quickly accepted.  This work for the Lord has turned into the deepest Bible study of my lifetime since most of the questions are quite different and complicated and require searching the Scripture for answers.  I have experienced many personal trials since the time I connected with this site . . .

10 Years at GQ – Vera Rudolph

June 1st, 2014
Vera Rudolph – October 2014 I found the Got Questions website when I was looking for an answer to a Bible question and received the answer promptly. Then I was offered the opportunity to receive the question of the week, so I signed up for that. A while later a request for volunteer writers was issued, so I applied and was accepted. The reason I first started answering questions is that I found it challenging to find the answer in God's Word. I have been taught at church that as Believers we should be able to give an answer for the hope . . .

Prayer Requests: June 2014

June 1st, 2014

We would so appreciate your prayers for us:

1. Donations are often slow during June, July, and August. Please pray for abundant financial provision and for us to be good stewards of what God has provided.

2. There are several programming-intensive projects we are considering. Please pray that we would have wisdom and discernment.

3. Please pray for health and safety for us and our families.

If there is any way we can be praying for you, please let us know!

Prayer Requests: May 2014

May 1st, 2014
We would so appreciate your prayers for us. This month please specifically pray for: 1. We need wisdom. Wisdom for the best use of the funds God has provided. Wisdom in regards to what advertising to accept. Wisdom in setting priorities. 2. Please continue to pray for abundant financial provision. We have quite a few projects on hold due to a lack of sufficient funding. 3. Please ask God to protect the staff, volunteers, translators, programmers, etc. There is always spiritual attack trying to prevent us from doing the . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement