Vera Rudolph – October 2014
I found the Got Questions website when I was looking for an answer to a Bible question and received the answer promptly. Then I was offered the opportunity to receive the question of the week, so I signed up for that. A while later a request for volunteer writers was issued, so I applied and was accepted.
The reason I first started answering questions is that I found it challenging to find the answer in God’s Word. I have been taught at church that as Believers we should be able to give an answer for the hope that is within us, and we should be able to talk to others about the Lord without referring them to the Pastor. So I thought this was my chance to do that.
Ever since I was saved in 1973 I have been studying the Bible and trying to learn more about the principles taught by the Word. And when I answer questions, I ask myself, do I practice what I preach? So it is a convicting thing to give Bible answers when I know I need to follow that same obedience.
In addition, my life has brought on some major challenges like death of a child, death of parents, disappointments, marital issues, financial shortages, illnesses, etc. so I can empathize with many of the questioners and know what they speak of.
I feel answering questions is an awesome responsibility because we are advising people what the Bible says on a subject and the answers can influence people to make decisions, so we really need to be rightly dividing the Word. Even though receiving the free gift of salvation is easy, living the Christian life is hard and full of challenges. Jesus told us in John 16:33 that in the world we would have trouble; “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
I agree with Eugene Peterson (MSG) “Everyone who experiences God’s grace has an obligation to pass on what she knows.”