Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Encouragement “Question”

September 7th, 2015

A “question”:

Hey , just wanted to say keep up the good work . Lots of valuable and essentially life saving information . As a former catholic and now a born again Christian , from Texas , it brings a lot of light onto the catholic religion , it brings questions to light that there Roman Catholic Church would never answer or falsify with its pervert doctrine . Thank you and God Bless

Discussion on seemingly prophetic dreams

September 7th, 2015
Jonathan Morales September 1 at 1:08pm Greetings brethren! I would like to know your thoughts on this. I know of this man who has been battling with cancer in his brain and the doctors sent him home,as there is nothing else they can do. My church has been praying fervently for a miracle. I really don't know if God will heal him or not, since I've seen so many cases where others with cancer end up dying anyways, regardless of the many prayers. But last night I had a dream where I saw him fully healthy with his wife, . . .

Discussion on Reading the Quran

September 7th, 2015
Dwight Payne August 27 at 4:02pm Have any of you guys read the entire Qur'an? I'm thinking about doing it. I read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover so I could witness to LDS members when they knock on my door. It makes a difference. Of course, in my opinion this doesn't have much effect unless you have also read the entire Bible first. Anyway, I'm thinking about reading the Qur'an just so I will be more familiar with it and better understand it, not that I expect any Muslims to knock on my Just . . .

Question on Women Open Air Preaching

August 26th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie August 26, 2015 Hey folks, I was just assigned an interesting question and would love to hear your thoughts on it: "Would it be a violation of Scripture for women to open air preach?" Without question, women teaching and preaching in a church is a hotly debated issue. It's the view of GQ that women are not to teach or have authority over men within the church (1 Timothy 2:11-14). And I agree. However, my thinking is that teaching or preaching in an open-air environment isn't the same as "church." . . .

Question on the most important aspect of man

August 26th, 2015
Jason Finch August 26, 2015 Hello everybody, So received my first question today, and have few ways I can answer it. But I would love some ideas from you as well. The question is, Which is the most important aspects of man? Is it soul or spirit? Is it the mind? Is it the body and the soul? Is it the community? Is it the body? Why or why not? Thank you and God bless! Like   Comment Seen by 14 Ed Romero and Ed Chait like this. Ed Romero Two things . . .

Question on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 in relation to single women or those with unbelieving or spiritually immature husbands

August 26th, 2015
Julie Kimani August 26, 2015 Wendyl's post brought to mind another question to mind for me. Re: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. What if a woman is either unmarried or has a husband that is either not a Christian, or an immature Christian? I would imagine that she would approach another mature Christian privately. Is it inappropriate for a woman to ask questions (such as via email) to a male pastor or elder? Like   Comment Seen by 24 Ed Chait likes this. Tim White I am a pastor. . . .

Question on God “needing” us to serve Him

August 26th, 2015
Julie Kimani August 17 at 5:24pm Anyone interested in helping me break a question down? Here's the question: "Don't mean to be harsh but why does God need us to serve him? Isn't that kind of selfish? The Bible states that God should be worshiped because he is our creator but its not like it was difficult for him. He created everything with just talking which seems fairly easy." I think I've identified 2 main ideas that I can address. 1. Does God "need" us? OR What is the purpose of mankind in regards . . .

Encouraging Notes

August 23rd, 2015
"Gotquestion has really helped and is continuing to help my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I have and is learning so much from you. Thank you for this blessing you are sharing with humanity. I will do my best by God's grace to support you greatly with a financial blessing. I keep spreading the word of God with your various topics using every means possible. May God bless your team and the person who deiced to bless our hungry souls in this ending dispensation of our world. I salute you sir/madam. May God reward you mightily! In Jesus name. Amen. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement