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Discussion on Reading the Quran

September 7th, 2015

Have any of you guys read the entire Qur’an? I’m thinking about doing it.
I read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover so I could witness to LDS members when they knock on my door. It makes a difference. Of course, in my opinion this doesn’t have much effect unless you have also read the entire Bible first. Anyway, I’m thinking about reading the Qur’an just so I will be more familiar with it and better understand it, not that I expect any Muslims to knock on my door….lol. Just wondering if any of you had read it. Thank you.

  • Jason Finch Here is the chapter chronology of the Quran. If you read it straight through, you won’t make any sense of it.

    Jason Finch's photo.
  • Jason Finch I dialogue with Muslims almost daily via fb. They’re a very difficult group to converse with due to their double standards and ripping verses out of context to prove their point.
  • William Brenner Yes, a frustrating experience at best. Couldn’t get through the Koran since it made my head hurt, like being a bit crazy.
  • Fred Apelquist I read it 20+ years ago. Was amazed at presence & discussion regarding Abraham, Mary, Jesus, and more, but found the diversion from the Bible ‘interesting’ to put it clinically, especially Ishmael’s prominence & his descendants. But, I guess, that shouldn’t be surprising. Second, the violence of Mohammad & his role as military leader puzzled me. But, then again, the Jews were expecting a messiah who was a mighty leader (and warrior even maybe). Think it’s good you’ll read it. Some who preach to Muslims & convert them to Christianity have said they were successful only because they knew the Quran & were able to convince them of the errors in these texts simply because of their knowledge. Good luck.
  • Christopher Dupre about 20% of it is indecipherable. I haven’t read it all. I couldn’t do it. It might be more instructive to read a critical treatise on it, instead. Save you time and frustration.
  • Jeff Laird Which translation you get matters, too. Yusuf Ali’s isn’t the easiest to read, but it’s very common, so it’s not a bad start. The chronological read definitely helps; if you know Islamic history, you can get a better sense of the doctrinal shifts.
  • Eric Hoehn I’m waiting for the movie to come out. smile emoticon
  • Christopher Dupre Movie came out 30 years ago. It’s a lot worse. Lol!
  • Alyson Dreyer Some versions are more poetic, some more accurate. It is mind numbing and incomprehensible to anyone indwelt by the Spirit of God. One thing shines through the entire book, kill everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Kill all Jews, all Christians, lie if it advances the cause of Islam, do whatever is necessary to conquer the world or die trying. By all means read it. It is better to understand the enemy than to be blindsided by him.
  • Joseph Ford Marmaduke Pickthall version is easily readable. You can download a PDF version. I use it when answering Muslims on GQ. You can read several different versions on as well. I agree that you should have read the whole Bible before reading the books of the enemy. Easier to see truth from error. John 17:17.

    The Noble Qur’an in many languages in an easy-to-use interface.
  • Steve Ray Webb I read it straight through and found it disjointed and horribly tedious. I need to read it again following the advice of Jason Finch .
  • Alyson Dreyer The book sounds exactly like what it is, demonic ramblings.
  • Steven Matthew I did read it, easy enough once you get past the cultural context, however much of Muslim beliefs are made up on the Hadiths, which are texts written hundreds of years later in some cases that expound on Mohammed’s life and adventures that came after the Quran or did not make it in. We would closely connect these with the Gnostic Gospels. There is no accountability to say what is an accurate Hadith. It’s a very intricate system of beliefs

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