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Question on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 in relation to single women or those with unbelieving or spiritually immature husbands

August 26th, 2015

August 26, 2015

Wendyl‘s post brought to mind another question to mind for me. Re: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. What if a woman is either unmarried or has a husband that is either not a Christian, or an immature Christian? I would imagine that she would approach another mature Christian privately. Is it inappropriate for a woman to ask questions (such as via email) to a male pastor or elder?

  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Tim White I am a pastor. I pastor and counsel all members, not just the men. However, if a wife asks a question, I involve my wife and attempt to direct the wife to the husband. I teach that a wife may not be able to trust her husband to lead and answer, but she can totally trust God to lead and answer through her husband. Reference Proverbs 21:1. When God works through one, He changes that one.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs
  • Julie Kimani So she should ask him for the sake of his own growth? What if the husband doesn’t have regard for the authority of scripture? I imagine she should still ask, but how would a woman handle an answer given to her by husband that contradicts scripture?
  • Kristen Rasor I’m married to an unbeliever, so obviously can’t ask my him spiritual questions. I usually will ask my pastor’s wife, but if I need to email my pastor a question or talk to him, I always include her in order to avoid any semblance of impropriety. Hope that helps.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
    • Julie Kimani My husband would fall under the category of an immature believer. I’m not even sure of that though, as it doesn’t seem to be very important to him. I’m trying to be a 1 Peter 3:1-6 wife!
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    • Kristen Rasor Amen. Very good. So am I. smile emoticon
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    • Gwen Sellers

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  • Jeff Laird I’ve been approached for counsel by wives without (sometimes about) their husbands before, but I’ve always given it in a public church space, with another unrelated woman there for the sake of avoiding wrong assumptions. It can be a sticky issue.

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