Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Want a GQ Bumper Sticker?

November 21st, 2014
Shea Houdmann November 10 at 1:16pm Want a bumper sticker? If you promise to put it on your car, we'll send you one for free! - Order the bumper sticker Order the bumper sticker GOTQUESTIONS.ORG UnlikeUnlike · · Share . . .

Got Questions in the Tabloids

November 12th, 2014
Shea Houdmann 30 mins has truly arrived! got quoted, and linked to, in a British tabloid! -…/Justin-Bieber-spotted-carrying… Justin Bieber spotted carrying his Christian studies notebook LOS ANGELES (AP) — Justin Bieber's attorney says the singer is on schedule to finish his sentence in a misdemeanor vandalism case by early next year. Attorne... DAILYMAIL.CO.UK UnlikeUnlike · · Share . . .

GQ Kurdish Numbers

November 5th, 2014
Elizabeth DeVore November 3 at 2:43pm · Colorado Springs, CO So...Kurdish-Kurmanji has been doing pretty good the last three months, reaching over 60 page views. The highest was December 2012 with 86. Until this last month. 698 page views for October 2014. Please pray for the Kurds as they fight off ISIS and seek God. . . .

Info on the Writers’ Survey

November 2nd, 2014
Thank you to the many of you who filled out the survey! We appreciate your feedback and are considering how to make many of the suggested improvements. A few items of note: The "newsletter" referred to in the survey is this monthly email. Sorry for any confusion about that! The "blog" referred to in the survey is the Team Blog at: We started the site last year as a way to archive newsletter content. We've also had some requests to use the Team Blog as an archive for Facebook discussions that might be of interest . . .

GQKidz Cards for Halloween

October 22nd, 2014
Elizabeth DeVore Yesterday at 9:16am · Colorado Springs, CO Hey. If you would like GQKidz cards or postcards to pass out with Halloween candy, let me know by Friday (email at, and I'll send them out. If you think Halloween is evil and candy is a conspiracy of the dental industry, just walk away. . . .

400,000th Question Answered!

October 6th, 2014
Shea Houdmann October 6, 2014 at 9:26am has now personally responded to over 400,000 questions! Praise the Lord! And, thank you all! Bible Questions Answered Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all... GOTQUESTIONS.ORG UnlikeUnlike · · Share Seen by 43 You, MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Dianna Gayand 19 others like this. Shea . . .

Logos software deal for GQ Writers

September 29th, 2014
Shea Houdmann Stuart, Evan, Eric, Barbara, Tim, Ambica, Clive, Patrick,Robert, John, Mark, Carol, Heath, Steve, Lincoln, Doug, Justin; Jeff, William,Vincent, Nace, Jed, Lea Ann, Edie, and anyone else who is interested...I was able to negotiate a 35% discount from Logos (on new purchases and/or upgrades). Not as much as I was hoping for, but more than they typically offer to ministries. If you are interested, email us at with your email address and phone number, I will forward it to Logos, and then they will contact you. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement