Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Giving Thanks for You!

November 2nd, 2014
In the survey, many of you mentioned the way you see the Holy Spirit at work in the Q&A process and in the ministry in general. It deeply blesses us to join together with you for the advancement of God's Kingdom. And clearly it deeply blesses many of you. The way God blesses us and ministers to us even as He uses us to bless and minister to others never ceases to amaze. Truly our God is worthy of all praise. May He be honored and glorified in your lives this month. May you know His smile and find many reasons to give Him thanks. May His joy . . .

What is the Got Questions Ministries Network?

October 29th, 2014
Got Questions Ministries Network – A databank of articles on spiritually-related topics based on popular search terms or frequently asked questions. The site also includes a feature for people to ask individual questions, which are then distributed to and answered by a team of volunteers. – concept designed for kids. The articles are geared toward kids and kids can also ask individual questions. The site has games, activities, comics, and occasional contests. There is also a section for parents . . .

How does the Q&A System Work? And the articles?

October 29th, 2014
How does the Q&A system work? A questioner submits a question at S/he is given the opportunity to include profile information and prior to final submission of the question will be given a list of articles that may address the issue. If the questioner chooses to submit his question, he receives a confirmation email with a copy of the question and a note to expect a response within 2-7 days. The question is then placed in the Q&A system and marked as "Unassigned." Each day, one member . . .

Pictures from the Board Meeting

October 14th, 2014
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann with Shea Houdmann October 11 at 5:04pm I forgot to take pics of the annual board meeting and the staff/board dinner, so we snapped a pic during an outing to Garden of the Gods with a couple of the board members. UnlikeUnlike · Seen by 38 You, Dianna Gay, Ed Chait, Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramiland 7 others like this. Steve Ray Webb Very nice!!! We lived just 'uphill' from there for a year. October 12 at 12:12am . . .

Office fun – Twinsies

October 9th, 2014
Dianna Gay October 7 at 12:46pm MeLissa and Elizabeth were (unplanned) twinsies at the office today. This happens more often than one would think... UnlikeUnlike · Seen by 41 You, Elizabeth DeVore, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Rebekah Largent and 9 others like this. Marilyn Mcclintock Sweet. October 7 at 2:19pm · Like Edie Pittard Edmondson I want a shirt!!!! 18 hrs · Like Elizabeth DeVore Come . . .

Answering Tips / Reminders

September 3rd, 2014

Assignors attempt to search the site for appropriate articles to answer questions, but sometimes we miss them. Or sometimes we think the question requires a response that’s a bit more personalized than the related article. Either way, please feel free to use as a resource in your responses.

Remember that is also a good resource for responses, particularly for current event issues.

Employee of the Month: GWEN SELLERS

March 3rd, 2014
Born in rural Pennsylvania, Gwen moved to Colorado Springs at the age of seven and happily calls it home. Spending her college years in Spokane, WA at Whitworth University made Gwen extra-grateful for the sunshine and beauty of Colorado. She also feels blessed to live so close to her parents. Though Gwen's sister decided to move back to Pennsylvania, she still enjoys watching her three nephews grow up from afar. Gwen graduated from Whitworth in 2007 with a degree in English—Writing, hoping to write for a Christian ministry. But God had other . . .

Employee of the Month: DIANNA GAY (a.k.a. Catiana Nak Kheiyn)

February 1st, 2014
Dianna was an Air Force brat born in Alaska and moved around for the next decade until her family landed in Colorado. She grew up in a non-religious home and was quite baffled about the whole "God thing" until she started working at a tourist trap in Gunnison, CO during her sophomore year of college. The owner found out she had no belief system and from that moment, he was on a mission to teach her about the saving grace of Christ. It only took two years to convince her that God was the real deal and definitely Someone worth living for. Through . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement