Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Question on Women Open Air Preaching

August 26th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie August 26, 2015 Hey folks, I was just assigned an interesting question and would love to hear your thoughts on it: "Would it be a violation of Scripture for women to open air preach?" Without question, women teaching and preaching in a church is a hotly debated issue. It's the view of GQ that women are not to teach or have authority over men within the church (1 Timothy 2:11-14). And I agree. However, my thinking is that teaching or preaching in an open-air environment isn't the same as "church." . . .

Question on the most important aspect of man

August 26th, 2015
Jason Finch August 26, 2015 Hello everybody, So received my first question today, and have few ways I can answer it. But I would love some ideas from you as well. The question is, Which is the most important aspects of man? Is it soul or spirit? Is it the mind? Is it the body and the soul? Is it the community? Is it the body? Why or why not? Thank you and God bless! Like   Comment Seen by 14 Ed Romero and Ed Chait like this. Ed Romero Two things . . .

Question on God “needing” us to serve Him

August 26th, 2015
Julie Kimani August 17 at 5:24pm Anyone interested in helping me break a question down? Here's the question: "Don't mean to be harsh but why does God need us to serve him? Isn't that kind of selfish? The Bible states that God should be worshiped because he is our creator but its not like it was difficult for him. He created everything with just talking which seems fairly easy." I think I've identified 2 main ideas that I can address. 1. Does God "need" us? OR What is the purpose of mankind in regards . . .

Discussion on Revelation 21:8, liars, and cowardly

August 17th, 2015
Justin Tilghman August 17, 2015 Steve's post got me thinking about an old question I had. In regards to Rev. 21:8, how do we interpret that? Is that any liar or an unrepentant liar? (Someone once told me "liars" included anyone who had an unconfessed lie and gave the example of parents who told their children about Santa other words they would go to hell unless they repented of lying to their children) Also, what does John mean by cowardly? Are these individuals who shrank back from their profession in fear . . .

Discussion on Lying and whether context determines sinfulness

August 17th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb August 17, 2015 Church elders at the new church we are attending stand behind their teaching that it is wrong to tell a lie even if telling a lie would save the lives of your family from an intruder in your home, or perhaps saving the lives of a classroom full of students from a deranged killer. Any thoughts??? Like   Comment Seen by 27 Justin Tilghman I can understand their intention but I can't help but think of Rahab who lied to save the spies (2:1-7) and that . . .

Discussion on Matthew 24:22, days being cut short

August 17th, 2015
Ed Chait August 15 at 11:02am And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. (Mat 24:22) Do you guys think this means the number of days are cut short or the length of a day, like from 24 hours to 16? Like   Comment Seen by 66 JP Rasmussen I have always understood it to mean the entire duration, not the length of sun-up/sun-down. August 15 at 12:36pm · Like · 1 Ed . . .

Sample Q&A from July 2015

August 3rd, 2015
Question:What do we learn from Zacchaeus the tax collector? Answered by: Polly Gwinn, who has been a volunteer with us since October 2004. Answer: Zacchaeus taught me that Jesus chose me (John 15:16) and came to seek me so that I might be saved (Luke 19:10). If I seek God with all my heart I will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13) but I must come to Jesus like a child, humble and not thinking myself great (Matthew 18:2-4). The sycamore tree is a symbol of that place in our lives where and when we have a clear vision of Jesus. I call this the recognition . . .

Question on Salvation and Alzheimers

July 27th, 2015
Kris Cadogan July 26, 2015 Was assigned this question. Any thoughts? " If a person lives their life knowing about Jesus and God, going to church, but not really accepting Christ into their heart, then has a disease such as Alzheimer`s do you think it`s too late to get into Heaven? I do understand that we don`t know Gods Grace or judgement on anyone, only our own hearts." Thanks for all your comments much appreciated. I would just like to ask that we pray for this individual and others in similar circumstances. Like . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement