Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Praise from a Tagalog article

March 17th, 2015
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil March 16, 2015 Testimony: Our article in Tagalog about suicide shared on Facebook has been used by the Lord to change the mind of a reader who's contemplating to commit suicide. She personally told me that it was after reading the article that she realized that her life is precious and she must continue to live for his children and for the Lord. She is regularly communicating with me on FB and always shares our articles with others. She has heard the Gospel before but she didn't understand . . .

Another Recommendation for GQ

March 11th, 2015
Nace Howell 2 hrs We got another mention.   Case Making Apps Every Christian Should Have on Their Phone or Tablet Print PDF If you’ve got a young person in your life (either a child, grandchild, niece or nephew), you’ve probably already discovered the vast majority of his or her internet consumption involves a handheld device (a smart phone or tablet). If you’re a web designer you already . . .

From a questioner

March 7th, 2015

A “Question”:

Hello, sorry but I could’nt find any other way to tell you that I really appreciate your site very much and also, your new design ! I can’t agree with all the answers, 100%, but I use this site very much for myself and others. God bless !!!

Got Questions Ministries Network Social Media

March 4th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 4, 2015 Morning, folks! (at least, it's morning in Colorado...) I just want to remind you all that we have multiple sites and they all have their own social media pages. Today I'm working on ways to increase our "likes" and following, so if you so desire, here's a list of places you could go like and follow: Got Questions Ministries And on Twitter: @Gotquestions @compellingtruth @412teens @GQkidz @Blogosorg No obligation . . .

Thank you from a Donor

February 23rd, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore‎Got Questions Writers February 23, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO · I thought this one was too good to hold onto. From a donor: I love the way you explain things. Simple and to the point. Not to mention its right out of the Bible. That is the most important thing. I can trust what you write to be true according to the Bible. Thank you for this service . . .

Site Traffic Increase – Coptic Christianity Article

February 17th, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann February 17, 2015 The Coptic Christianity article alone received 168,000 views yesterday. As I'm assigning questions today, I see a lot of people submitting their very first question to GQ. How exciting! (Yesterday was the heaviest web traffic day ever, by a wide margin, for, with 530,962 visitors and 814,529 pageviews, due in large part to traffic to the Coptic Christianity article.) . . .

Got Questions Turned 13!!

February 13th, 2015
Got Questions Ministries 22 hrs · Today marks the 13th birthday of! To celebrate, comment and let us know how God has used the site to help you spiritually. We will share your comments with our staff and volunteers!‪#‎PraiseGod‬ Gwen Sellers Unlike · · Share Top Comments You, Susie Sellers, Dianna Gay, Ed Chait and 416 others like this. 12 shares Write a comment...   Ketevan . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement