Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Got Questions Turned 13!!

February 13th, 2015

Today marks the 13th birthday of! To celebrate, comment and let us know how God has used the site to help you spiritually. We will share your comments with our staff and volunteers!‪#‎PraiseGod‬

  • Gwen Sellers

    Write a comment…
  • Ketevan Lashkhi But I miss your old site :((
    • 1 Reply
  • Kibru Yisfa God bless you abundantly all who involved in this ministry work!!! Pls pls the give attention for the Amharic translation work (GQM Amharic Website). Thank you!!!
    • 1 Reply
  • Sharon Cooper Thank you for all your insight and help I have used portions of your book to help my teenage Sunday School class youths to grow and explain. They really enjoy it.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
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  • Dallas Holley Although I have been a Christian for almost 18 years now, I honestly didn’t read scripture much more then when I was in church or in small group. In the middle of a very deep depression, and feeling very hopeless (this went on for over 6 months.), a good friend of mine recommended this site to me concerning some very serious questions I had about past sin. I also started seeking counseling in our church and and was finally awakened on the importance of reading Gods word daily. I now use this site many times a day both on my computer and mobile app to really get into God’s word. I use it almost like a devotional of sorts. It truly is one incredible tool that I am so grateful to have access to. Within the past few months, with God’s help and the help of my friends, family and my counselor, I have broke free from the binds of depression and really enjoying my walk with God through His word more then I ever have. Also,after researching and reading many questions on here about baptism, something that had been bothering me for some time, I was baptized last month! I have to say without learning about this site, and really being intentional about learning His word, I wouldn’t be in such a great place in my life now. Thank you so much Got Questions staff for all that you do and thank you for sticking to the word of God with all your answers! As I already have been doing, I will continue to recommend this site to anyone and everyone who will listen to me. Thanks again, Dallas
    Like · Reply · 5 · 19 hrs
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  • Flor Chavarria Hernandez coming from a catholic background, this site has helped me to understand the difference between religion and faith, between salvation by works vs grace, but most importantly to obtain answers to many questions or arguments catholics will inevitable present to me in their quest to prove how “wrong” I am. Being able to quote the appropriate passages is invaluable. Thank you. I only wish MORE of your articles were translated into Spanish as 99% of the people who will argue with me are Spanish speaking only.
    Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
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  • Brenda Velasquez Miranda Happy Birthday! We use this site a lot if there are inquiries in our bible study. My kids bedtime stories, we randomly ask anything just to see what’s the bible stand for it. They are 10 and 12 yrs old and they can relate to most of the answers. I have shared a lot of your link to my fb wall too! Thanks a lot to this ministry.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs · Edited
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  • Jordan Ditty I’ve referred to this site countless times for questions that my youth group will ask – I’ve found it very helpful
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
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  • Jan Fast Congrats..could you tell me where in the bible it states…let the good keep doing good and the bad keep doing evil??????
    • 2 Replies
  • Sahas Joel Was born into a Christian family, struggled with alcohol addiction and other issues and am still work in progress. Today many questions have been answered through your website and I have gotten to know, believe and have the beginning of a firm faith inSee More
    Like · Reply · 3 · 20 hrs
    • 2 Replies · 8 hrs
  • Patrick Maina Wangeci I live in Kenya East Africa… Your site simply leaves me speechless once I read your answers. To say you are apt is an understatement. You are simply speaking God’s Word. It is God working in you to speaking His Word to a world on the brink of passing away. You are the remnants of the apostles left by Jesus Christ to shepherd his sheep. Need I say more…?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
    • 5 Replies · 4 hrs
  • Gift Hill Happy birthday GQM! A friend introduced me to your site early this year, and since then I have never been the same. You have made me efficiency in my Bible Studies representation both as a youth leader, as well as a young preacher. I am a member of the REFORMED CHURCH IN ZAMBIA (R.C.Z). Once again Happy 13th birthday. THANK YOU!
    Like · Reply · 3 · 21 hrs
    • 1 Reply
  • Rodgers Sharon Happy birthday GotQuestions! I’ve used your site for many years for virtually any question that pops up. I’ve even asked a question that didn’t have an answer, and got a wonderful reply via email. Your site has helped me immensely by coming to a better understanding on any given topic, and I have shared GotQuestions more times than I can count.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 21 hrs
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  • A.j. Hortman Thank you got questions ministries for bringing me to Christ. Before I found this site, I was an atheist. This site has shown me the loving nature of God and has helped me develop my faith. It helped me find a bible believing church. I know that if there is ever something I don’t understand, I can come here for answers. Thank you got questions!
    Like · Reply · 21 · 21 hrs
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  • Debbie Bingle Wright I’ve searched your site for answers countless times. I’ve also recommended you to many friends. God has blessed your site, and through that has blessed my life.
    Like · Reply · 8 · 22 hrs
  • Arielle Rose many of the articles on the site have been so helpful…answered a lot of my questions. i really appreciate how thorough, objective, and scriptural the writing is. thank y’all for your work here.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Sherry E. Jacob Love! Love! Love! the Word you are sharing with the world. You are doing exactly what Jesus instructed His disciples to do. I share your Christian advice and love with all of my friends on Facebook. You have taken the Word of God and issues Christians face to the masses in a clean and constructive manner. It is refreshing to just hear truth in this age. And, when I ask questions I get prompt responses injected with the love of God. Thank you for supporting me in my Christian journey!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Lucius James got questions has helped me alot,now i understand things deeper and in a right way than the first,it has helped to have much interest to study bible
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Marian Minty This is a great ministry and encourages me in the Way.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Brandon Bramlett Not sure how I came across Got Questions, but thank God I did! I use it all the time, and recommend it to all my Christian and non-Christian friends
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Perry Gonzales You guys are very good. I use your site every day. I dont necessarily coment but I do read and share daily tpics.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
  • Suanlal Zou I’m from India. This site has been my pointer and my Bible is the monitor in my everyday Christian walk. I download the Android App and share with my friends too + asked friends to Like this Facebook page Keep equipping us and continue to do well for God’s glory. I appreciate it
    Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs · Edited
  • Debora Berrios Straight answers for a crooked world. Thanks and keep up the good work.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
  • Kathy Casella-Clark I can’t even begin to tell y’all! I introduce this sight to adults in my bible study groups, youth groups and universities! !!! Thank y’all and God bless!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
  • Thaddius Barker I am a Christian Mentalist/Illusionist; each of my magic shows revolve around a biblical theme. More than once, I have to help create the content for the lessons in my shows. Your website has a wonderful list of resources that help put things in the proper theological perspective. Thanks for all that you do!

    Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all your Bible Questions!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
  • Cheryl Vind McKeand You are one of my favorite, trusted go-to sites when i’m looking something up. Thanks for all you do!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
  • Elisha Castañeda This site is fantastic! Very insightful, it explains so much that people don’t take the time to learn themselves.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
  • Lidia Cantu There is no better answer than what is written in God’s word. It not only speaks to the mind but the heart and soul and you use it to answer questions with truth and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You are not phonies and I just know it. Thank you. I learn something new every time I read your posts.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
  • Collyn Wooden The “soaking prayer” trend. It DOES not line up with the Word of God. I appreciate this site to remind me to ‘not look to the right or to the left.’
    God’s Word – our pattern, not the next ‘new’ trend.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
  • Colleen Yonkers Has proved to be a trusted source for biblical truth.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
  • Helen LaLa Andrews Love this site have used it many times and shared with others. Thank you and may God continue to bring much fruit through your ministry x
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
  • Jorge Hernández I wish I had known about this awesome ministry a few years ago. You guys have helped me to advance in my understanding of the Bible in a way that I cannot even explain. God bless got questions greatly and keep up the good work with blogos and the kids website. Happy Birthday!!!!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
  • Kat Masi All I can say is I love you!!! Sooo helpful!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
  • Ketevan Lashkhi Happy Birthday Gotquestions! You can’t imagine how much you help me every day!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
  • King Ljc Thank you Got Questions ministries for answering so many questions that has blessed, encouraged and built my faith up, I thank God for such a good site that has and still is teaching sound doctrine, God bless you all.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
  • Robin Nichols Anytime I have a question about any topic, I use the site. My ministry is to women on the streets and in jails and prisons. I direct them to your site and I use your site to answer the deep questions they have. It’s an amazing site-and my husband met some of the people who started the site on a business trip. He came home excited to tell me about this website; he didn’t know it was my all time favorite site!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Vitor Isaia God bless your amazing work! I’m from Brazil and I use both the English and Portuguese versions of the site. Thank you very much!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Liliana Bringolf First of all, Happy Birthday to GQM! This site has been a tremendous help to me in coming to know Jesus, especially as I first started reading the bible. God has spoken to me through GQM many times when questions have entered my mind, and not only wSee More
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Finish Lyne absolutely awesome!! God richly bless the entire staff, volunteers & crew. i jst cant stop talking about happy 13th.Great site and now, even wonderful app! my little world will definitely hear about you

    Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all your Bible Questions!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
  • Albert Perez God bless everyone from Phoenix AZ
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Susan Payne Zayas Coolidge Your Bible pictures have been a testimony for me and I post them all the time on FACEBOOK…Thank you for your ministry…
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Marg Baird Happy Birthday! I love this website, it has helped me so much when I’ve needed an explanation for something I don’t understand. I’d be lost without it. Keep up the great work! God bless xxx
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Yemisi Kuranga Happy birthday to GotQuestion. May God continue to strengthen u.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Elena Stubbeman Happy birthday
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Lori J Tuley It’s a great go to source for any spiritual or moral questions that I’ve had. Thank you and I hope you continue on!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Nkululeko Charles Mpangase This Page has been very helpful, thank you very much.

    Keep doing the good work of God, you guys are making a massive difference, in our spiritual growth, Glory to God!!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Ikpe Wisdom Great pray that may God raise more stronger servant therein
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Mokale Johannes Matsobane Happy birthday!!! You have helped with taking critical decisions in my life. Thank you. May our LORD bless your Got Questions Ministries and all who serve under this ministry.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Linda Morgan Williams You have been very helpful over the years…May God Continue To Bless…
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Samuel Wilson i love u guys
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Michelle Stagnitto Zava Mine might sound a bit strange…I have had a “ghost” in my house for a few years & was communicating with it.Well reading your site taught me that there are no such thing as ghosts & what I was talking to was more likely a demon.So I prayed in the name of Jesus for it to leave my house & it has.I have not had any more experiences & I now know better than to entertain the idea of it.Thank you!
    Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
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  • Norma Acevedo-Pando Helped me when speaking to family that is Catholic. Helped in using scripture to express the word of God! Sound site with lots of truth.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Pia Thompson It has helped me with research questions for my book of Biblical historical fiction.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Lynette D’Costa Where do I begin!! The first time we came across your site, hubby and I spent 4 hours researching answers to different topics and were amazed at how everything just made sense when reading Old & New Testaments in context. Yours is definitely one of our go-to sites.Thank you for your honesty – your site is a HUGE blessing.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
  • Eduvina Rodriguez I love it Happy Birthday may GOD continue to bless
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Bryan Bandela Happy Birthday Got Questions Ministries! your ministry has helped gain more knowledge about the truth and you contribute a lot in growth with Christ. May The Lord bless you for defending the truth in a honest and loving way, especially when it comes to topics related to salvation.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 19 hrs
  • Sandra Watson I have found it to be very helpful. I enjoy reading from the site.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Aleese Smith I’ I am so grateful for this website I use your website in order to help me to know God’s words instead of being argumentative I search to see what God has spoken and written. Thk u so much for all this website has done and is dpung to empower Christian men and women of God.May our God keep blessing this website.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
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  • Michele Ping Happy birthday!! Thank you SO much for all the content! It has helped me in my own spiritual walk and, over the past couple of years, I’ve gone to gotquestions to help others with their questions. Keep up the good work!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Timo N. Kamau Happy Anniversary GQM. You are a blessed blessing:-)
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Marilyn A. Grateroles You have cleared up many of my doubts therefore lessening the confusion due to Biblical misinterpretations by the many religious groups who read one passage and neglect the other. Knowledge of the middle eastern languages and the Greek helps.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
  • Gege Lightfoot Happy Birthday. I use this site alot. Great scripture references. I have passed this site onto others. Thank you to everyone and God bless you.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
  • Esther Paroci God bless you all & your ministry & may His glory & the truth of Christ continue to be spread through your efforts. May you always be a voice that upholds the Bible in all it’s truth in a world where there is much opposition. Ephesians 6:12. Thank you.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
  • Tammie Edwards Thank you Got Questions Ministries. Happy Anniversary
    I use your site often to help research my Bible teaching videos. I’ve mentioned the site several times in videos. I teach about spiritual warfare, discerning God’s voice and how to know God’s voice over the voice of the enemy (testing the spirits). I appreciate you and thank God for your ministry. Keep shining the light
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
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  • Janiene Bishop I have shared your site with countless women! Thank you! Your site is invaluable and a blessing.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Abel Judica It help me to have wide range of interprite the scripture.thanks
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Olafusi Agape Kolawole Happy birthday, continue to wax stronger in the Lord
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Olafusi Agape Kolawole This site is simply the best. It is my companion. My day is not fulfilled with reading from your site. I pray that Holy spirit will give you more insight and revelations to unravel more hidden truth. God bless you and your team for being such a bright light in our world.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Kingsley James I knew this site not long and i really appreciate your effort please keep it up.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Mark Wright I have used your site countless number of times for my own reseach and to witness to people. Thank you for what you do.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Vinny Depeno Every time I thought of a good question related to Word of God, I seek to see if there a good answer to it. Most of the time I am pleased with GotQuestions, other time I keep seeking for better answer.

    Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all your Bible Questions!
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  • Donna Whitby Blessed to read God’s words.
    Congratulations 13 years &growing, helping us all follow Jesus Christ our Lord God…
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs · Edited
  • Young Joshua Hbd.keep it on
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Donna Hacker Your sight is my ‘go-to’ sight for Biblical info. Thanks and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <><
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Tobey Knight It’s help me big, learning the word of God, thank u so much Got Question M. more power, to God be the glory, forever! Peace be with you all.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Linda Renee Congratulations! I absolutly love GotQuestions and visit your site quite often. It has always given a clearer understanding. Thanks
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Awutugam Adjonyah Kudos to you all for all all the painstaking effort in trying to tackle every question in accordance with the Bible. I bet I’ve found every article addressing every life questions of mine. And I’m happy to know that I can always turn to your site for guidance and cross check from the bible. May God bless you all and keep your zeal for Him ever alive.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Dylan Drymond I absolutely love the ministry and pray that God would reward you guys greatly in this life and the next. I visit this site daily and it has changed my life.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
  • Joyce Jones Happy Birthday. I always use the site when something stumps me
    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
  • Jennifer Belosic I was saved 4/11/13, and ever since you have served as a compass for me as I navigate truth and comprehend scripture. I’m so grateful for your ministry. It’s been a huge blessing to my growth in the Lord.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
  • Nancy Nardella Greene When I have questions I can turn to you!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
  • Lucas Romero You guys are just awesome I trust in your answers because its all based on the Word of Our Awesome Lord and Savior our Great God!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Di Adendorff Wonderful site.. Simple answers to questions.. Have shared often to new believers.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Naldy Veldhuis Happy birthday !! This site helped me to learn more about the different religions and to talk about Christ to those who don’t know him yet.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Emmanuel Abiodun Joseph It has actually helped to clear doubt in some controversial issue. And as well open my eye of understanding to deeper revelation in the word(scripture)
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • David Nandi every question posed is usually backed up with a scripture and that’s what’s needed in this time
    Like · Reply · 4 · 21 hrs
  • Anthea Hayward Got Questions was a great help to me. Especially when we had to do research on a certain word or scripture. Thank you
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Louis Staub Gotquestions has really help me grow in Christ. It is like a bible study. I use it a lot and share it with others as well.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Alale Babatunde may God continue to bless and increase you in all area.i really blessed and feel comfortable anytime i visite this site.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Jeffrey Wilkinson I really trust what your site provides as a great opinion for those not so clear questions I have about scripture. I always walk away with a better understanding and I feel it always lines up with the bible. Thank you so much for the great site!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Chris Swanson Whenever I have immediate questions, your site gives me a good answer and the scripture I need to start digging deeper. I love it. God bless your ministry.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Brian Barrington Thank you for your ministry! God bless you!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs · Edited
  • Tamie Cisko Pridemore I search this site all of the time for scriptural references pertaining to questions that I have about different biblical issues. Sometimes I feel kind of stupid asking some one else’s opinion or biblical knowledge about certain topics, so I have the freedom in seeking it out thru your posted topics. Everything that that I have read I agree with your biblical knowledge or perspective. Thanks a bunch!!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Ann Maner Love your site!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • CRene Byrd I always, ALWAYS come here first that leads me to scriptures for encouragement and answers.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • Kim Freeman I love that you clarify, with scripture, the beliefs we assume we know well and that you also hit the controversial targets w respect and love while not compromising truth, Thank you all at! I pray for you in your endeavor to answer the hard questions!

    Bible Questions Answered by! Fast and accurate answers to all your Bible Questions!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • Christine Perez Eustaquio This site has helped me find biblical answers to questions raised in bible study. God bless you all!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • LarryChristina Castillo All I can say is this site is awesum, informative, and encouraging. Personally I want to say thank u, I sent a personal message to u guys, and to my surprise a person by the name of Shea actually answered me bak. It ministered to me in so many ways. Keep up the good work, happy bday n agape.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • Patricia O’Quinn Happy Birthday! My goto sight for anything I question! I direct others to you also!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • Nana Afrifa Reindolf This site is really educative and has helped in my spiritual journey with the risen Lord and our soon coming King. God bless you
    Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs
  • Leslie Fanchon Lefebvre Happy Birthday Got Questions! You’re my go to resource for Bible or theological questions. Love how you are ‘balanced’ in your approach and rely on the Word of God with lots of references.
    Like · Reply · 4 · 22 hrs
  • Jo Lucas I use this site all the time. I Love it.I also use it to teach Sunday school. Thank you
    Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
  • Mary Allison Arnott Powerful ministry, thank you!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • BJ Miller This site has definitely helped me spiritually. I used its’ articles for references in college papers. I have the Got Questions book at home too!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
  • Peter Otuk Ali I thank God for ministry very much, it has been of a great help to me; my prayer to God is that He may continue using this site to bless many lives.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Michelle Murray I have used your site for research several times when I have questions about a particular topic. Love all the scriptural references that I can look up and read in context to see what God’s heart is on issues. Thankful for the resource!! I have also recommended your page to others.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs · Edited
  • Abba’sgirl Parfait Felix Lots of scriptural clarity & insight from your website. Helped deepened my knowledge of my Lord’s great love letters to me.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Chris Hall The ONLY think that has been important to me is that you take a level-headed, BIBLE-only approach to answers and do not shy away from difficult questions.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 21 hrs
  • Yolanda Rosato Ty so much it has help with my spiritual walk. God bless you all for the feed!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
  • Gerard Mackle An answer to every question very helpful site,God bless
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
  • Val Smith Happy 13th Birthday Got Questions!! This site has been my go-to site for a couple of years already. I search it daily to find answers that I cannot seem to find anywhere else. It has not only encouraged me daily but has grown me in my knowledge and undSee More
    Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
  • Jess Bear So many ways!! I don’t know where to start!! I have used your site to strengthen my faith and to help share the Gospel with others. And when someone asks a hard question, you are my go to site to answer it when I don’t know the answer. And in helping someone else, I in turn learn something new. Thank you so much for ALL you do!!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
  • Cris John Quintila Ludas Thank you very much for answers,as a high school sttudent Christian,i have so many questions about Jesus,and most of my questions was answered by your site/
    thank u and God Bless your ministry
  • Andy Harrison I’ve learnt a lot of the different doctrines from the scriptures from your site. The articles are accurate and concise, helpful and to the point. Always indicating and referencing the truth of the scriptures. Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated when the church at large is falling into apostasy. Every blessing to you, Andy.
  • Linda Browder Poole I love your site, everytime I go to your site with a question, I end up spending hours studying and finding more answers to questions I didn’t know I had.
    Thank you for all you do, your site is a blessing to me and I know many more. God bless.
  • Paul John you study more about the doctrine of trinity to know the truth
  • Teresa Stewart Ervin I have truly been blessed. Your article title ” I am a parent; how can I let my adult child go” has been beyond a blessing in my life. When you said to trust God and give your child to him and that God loves my child more than I can was brilliant. The scriptures in the article literally changed my life. And that is exactly what I did. Soon after I read and applied it , her life turned around for the better and I have a new perspective on how to deal with the people I love, even when they are going down a destructive path. Thank you thank you thank you for all you do. This is my testimony. Praise God!!!!
  • Alison Weckler This site was there for me when I turned back to God. It answered all the questions I had. What an amazing blessing! !
  • Jöy Jësüs It gives me the generalized idea of the logos but the Rhema is a personal experience. Always define and explain the word of GOD with the word of GOD. Except subjective explanation of some questions it is great. It will be perfect if you always maintain objectivity and leave the final say and decision to the user. GOD bless you,with love
  • Amy Redolphy Augustine Sound doctrine! Completely Biblical (Scripture backs all the answers)! Truth told! Gotquestions is my go-to when I have questions!
  • Jan Fast Thanks Robert Ray…..blessings ….revelation22:11
  • Jacqueline Arroyo Éste ministerio es una bendición para nosotros en los dos idiomas, que el Señor los siga bendiciendo para que nosotros podamos seguir madurando en la vida Cristiana y la verdad del evangelio sea revelada ! Dios los bendiga!See Translation
  • Ariel Alvarez Maaaaaan lots of great knowledge
  • Johnathan Kisten Well this site has helped me tremendously in my life. I love this site and at night I spend atleast an hour getting information about important stuff.
  • Rajesh Bhujel praise the lord
  • Tando Mbekela It has been a blessing to I m loud now with the foundation of salvation.
  • Phani Kumar excellent website.every question was answered in very clear cut way.we understood scripture more clearly.every article is simply superb. may god bless your team more abundantly in coming years. thank you
  • Epimac Ntimpeba What is 1 Peter 4:6, 18 mean? We are in Bible study group and, a lot of questions there. So need help please!
  • Epimac Ntimpeba You’ve been a very special tool to me. You answer a lot of questions. Keep going brethren.
  • Anthony Nyakwara Omambia I never knew the meaning of certain verses in the bible e.g the story of goliath and david whereby the giant shows the giants in our lives like depression,marriage conflicts e.t.c and how we can defeat them.James 1:2-4 trials are meant to make us 2 b patient and perservere and the mean 4 our own good and not 2 harm us.I learnt this through ua site.The explanation of the story of samson i liked it through your site.happy birthday and congratulations.
  • Josephine Espineda Happy anniversary thanks God for your life,and ministry
  • Ruth Lirazan Praise the Lord!
  • Bj Rufino It answers some of my questions regarding scripture. Thank you for this website.
  • Jean Thompson I refer to your website all the time – yours and Blue Letter Bible. I also am constantly referring others to it as well…
  • Carlyle Erasmus I think after finding this site, I have developed a completely different view of most topics of faith. I have learned enough to make the right decisions in my life and also educate others. Thank you God and thank you GQM!!!!
  • Bit Bit Great is the Lord!
  • Sipho Simon Mogale God Bless You in mighty way
  • Tabby Thalli Noel I found this when I was searching for an answer that we usually discuss lot of questions at home … Thanks a lot ..
  • John Thomas You do an excellent service to the believers and even nonbelievers who search for the right path to God. God may do much more through your ministry. Praise the Lord.
  • Janet McCullough Thank you all so much! Whenever I’m stuck or need more information…I go to Got Questions Ministries. May God bless you all.
  • Gregory Magaisa A blessing page. May you please support our church ministry, we are doing church planting and orphan care ministry in Malawi Africa
  • Shubham Dudeja Idk how to be put in words that I am so thankful for your website. I use it daily and it gets me the clear meaning of verses or situation in Bible. I love your website. God is always blessing your ministry Thank you!
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