Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Nice “Questions”

May 6th, 2015
Part of a "question" from May 3, 2015: "Dear Recipient, Hello! Thank you so much for your website I pray that you and your team are showered abundantly with blessings!"   A "question" from May 3, 2015:  "I was born and raised a Catholic and my parents sent me to Catholic school for my whole life. We attended mass every Sunday, and my mother also sent me to Bible studies at Catholic churches for the past few years. I was a devout Catholic and followed all the things the Catholic church taught. When Protestants would tell me that what . . .

Encouragement from a Writer – Graph of Site Users

May 5th, 2015
Robbie Holmes uploaded a file in the group: Got Questions Writers. May 5, 2015 Hey guys, this is a bit nerdy but I keep a record of user hits over the past years and though it might inspire you all to continue in this great ministry. These are the "user" figures (i do have the others too!) As Church attendance declines the number of people going on line goes the other way! we just need to know where to cast our nets . . .

Testimonials from April 2015

May 4th, 2015

From a Twitter follower (in Grenada): Shout out to everyone @gotquestions!! Your work and devotion has been a blessing to me over the past two years. God bless!!

From a questioner: I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful site. It has answered many questions I had and strengthened my faith in Jesus Christ.

May God be ever glorified and we ever astounded at His work in and through us.

Donor Thanks

April 6th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore April 6, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO I couldn't wait to share this from a donor: "Happy Easter! Although I am a proud Catholic, your website has helped me along my walk with Christ. Thank you!" . . .

Thank you from donors – March 2015

April 2nd, 2015
Thank you for all you do, Please never stop!   I thank God for the work you guys are doing in this ministry! It is such a blessing to have answers to some not so easy passages, I pray that God would bless you guys and speak through in truth! God bless you!   God Bless to all the staff there. Thanks for being a great resource!   Keep up the good work everyone! I am praying that God continues to use your ministry for His glory and special purpose in today's world.   Your ministry has been a blessing in my . . .

Encouragements from March 2015

April 1st, 2015
From one of our writers (Corpuz Ramil): Our article in Tagalog about suicide shared on Facebook has been used by the Lord to change the mind of a reader who's contemplating to commit suicide. She personally told me that it was after reading the article that she realized that her life is precious and she must continue to live for his children and for the Lord. She is regularly communicating with me on FB and always shares our articles with others. She has heard the Gospel before but she didn't understand it until she browsed our Tagalog site for . . .

Encouragement from Twitter – Someone in the Netherlands wants to know Christ!

March 27th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 26, 2015 I'm so glad to show this to you al! This fellow from the Netherlands tweeted in Dutch, "I want to convert" and linked to our Dutch "How do I convert to Christianity" page. I responded that we would be praying for him, so please join me in doing that! Unlike · Comment Seen by 31 You, Elizabeth DeVore, Ed Romero, Ed Chait and 8 others like this. MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann Erik van Geel Yesterday at 12:33pm . . .

From a Questioner

March 19th, 2015

I would like to share with you and everyone involved that this site is just totally AWESOME!! I can’t even count the people I have told about it. I am using it to open the doors for my kids to allow God into their lives even deeper. Kids seen to think that the Bible is not so dull and boring or old style if it is on the computer. Thank you.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement