Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Changes in the Q&A System

December 8th, 2014

December 8, 2014

Hi all –

We’re working on several new things in the Q&A system based on your excellent suggestions in the survey … One went live today!

On the “answer the question” page (where the assignment email link leads you), there is now a field where you can write a “Note to Editor”. It is a text box immediately beneath the “Answer Text” box. This note will be visible to editors when we review your answers, but will not be visible to questioners.

Please use this if you have any concerns about that particular question, would like to receive feedback on that particular question, happen to need to request time off, need a profile change / discovered you particularly enjoy the type of question you just answered (or really don’t like that kind), etc.

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  • Gwen Sellers As a side note, you may have also noticed that on some of your assignment emails the editor has left a note for you. When assigning, we have a “Note to Writer” field. Again, this isn’t visible to the questioner and it just allows us to let you know about due dates or strange wording, etc. Hope it’s been helpful!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement